How to Build Fast Static Site with Nuxt.JS and Prismic

Headless CMS-powered JAMStack

Vue.js Developers


If you’re into JAMStack, chances are you’re already using a headless CMS on your project.

This is a 2-part tutorial on how you could build a fast static site with Nuxt.js, Prismic, and Netlify.

In the first part of the tutorials, I will show you how I built

Homepage of
Homepage —

Setup Nuxt.JS and Prismic Module

First off, create your Nuxt.js project. You could run any of the following commands:

1. With npx

npx create-nuxt-app <my-project>

2. With npm

npm init nuxt-app@latest <my-project>

3. With yarn

yarn create nuxt-app <my-project>

Next, connect your Nuxt.js app to your content hosted on Prismic.



Vue.js Developers

I am a Front-End developer. I like to build website and hone my SEO skills. Follow me on on