How To Eliminate The Biggest Excuse Stopping You From Creating A $10,000 Side-Income

Dean Graziosi
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2018


One of the big things that can hold us all back from that next level of life, income, joy and abundance is letting our past experiences be projected in to our future hopes and dreams.

Your past DOES NOT determine your future…

But we have to be consciously aware of how it can sneak in to our present thoughts and sabotage our future..

Whether those past anchors are from personal experiences or beliefs instilled in us by parents, spouses, teachers and society..

They can be the resistance that has made you miss way to many opportunities in the past.

Lets crush that right here and right now…

So here is the exercise you’re gonna love and be able to use over and over…

Take a minute and write down the story, the belief or the worry you have when it comes to going for that next level of income.

How do you find it?


When you think about having an income that is significantly higher than you have now, what is the “But”

Here is what I mean..

For example — You may say “I would love to have a side income that produced an extra $10k a month → But…..

What is your “But” ???

Need money to make money?

Need a better education?

Family or spouse doesn’t support me? Not where I live? Not enough time?

Wrong president?

Now that you have your “But” statement it’s time to kill it, reverse it and create an empowering statement..

So whatever that story or belief is that has held you back we need to realize it’s not reality — it’s simply the story your subconscious has found comfort in..

Here’s how to do that..

Write down three of your biggest strengths right now.. Or if you can’t write, think about them..


Are you good at:

- Organization

- Negotiating

- Inventing new ideas

- Solving problems

- Being creative

- Selling

- Listening

Or something else?

Now write or think about 3 of the biggest changes in your life that would happen if money was no longer an issue in your life.


Would you quite a job killing you?

Retire your parents?

Put safety money away for retirement?


Pay off debt?

Get married?

Get in better shape?

Be more confident?

Not take crap from anyone?

Have more control in your life or relationships?

So here is where it all comes together..

Are you going to let that untrue story or belief be stronger than your strengths and the life you could have once money was no longer an issue?

If it was 5 years from now and you were looking in the mirror and NOTHING in your life has changed. Things were just as they are..

Do you really want that story or belief to be more powerful than your strengths and your opportunities?

Do you want to say..

I could have made more money, had more joy, had more happiness but I let some crap ass story keep me stuck…

Heck No!!!!

So To Recap…

Think about a bigger future for your life and then when you are dreaming what is the “But” story or belief that tells you it won’t work out?

After you do that then think of your strengths and your opportunities.. and then think are you going to let that stupid untrue story stop you from reaching that level of life you deserve..

Heck no you can’t…

So take the time and do this.

Think through it and see for yourself how a story and a silly belief could be holding you back…

Then once this is squashed you need the capabilities and the road-map to actually make the money or create that side income…

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Dean Graziosi
The Startup

Dean Graziosi is a multiple New York Times best selling author, entrepreneur, and investor.