Maria Joyner
5 min readJan 5, 2016

“What’s the world’s greatest lie?”

“It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”

~The Alchemist, Pablo Coehlo

While I can’t yet write the how-to guide on quitting your job and moving to Costa Rica, I can provide some insight into how I have remained inspired, positive, and grateful during this period of significant life change. There’s no way everything can fit into one post but hopefully these tips will inspire you to face your fears, find your personal legend, and follow your heart.

Build a strong foundation.

If you’re going to truly follow your heart, a strong foundation is key. I studied Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill in great depth in my early 20s. The themes in this book helped me build a solid foundation, set long term goals, and learn to listen to my heart.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
~ St. Matthew 6:21

Mind your mind.

You have to control your thoughts to control your destiny. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. A positive mental attitude is one of the most important skills to develop. The best book I have ever read on this topic is Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill. I was gifted an audio recording when I was 22, The Secret to Success by Earl Nightingale. I have frequently returned to it over the past 8 years and it has been the most helpful tool in minding my mind.

Music matters.

What you listen to affects your mental state. I listened to a lot of Bob Marley this summer. “Don’t worry about a thing, because every little thing is gonna be alright.” Hearing that over and over during the most mentally taxing time of my decision making process helped me put my faith in God and trust that it would all work out.

Learn to listen to your heart.

Every big decision I have made in life has been based on intuition. I can honestly say it has never failed me. I recently added 101 Daily Thoughts and Affirmations to Create Positive Change by Michael Austin Jacobs to my Audible playlist. This has become an important part of my daily routine and has helped me identify and manifest new life goals.

The heart will always guide you to what is right while the mind will try to convince you it is wrong. Differentiate and be aware between the heart and the mind and you will connect with life on a deeper and clearer level.
~101 Daily Thoughts and Affirmations to Create Positive Change, Michael Austin Jacob

Need some quick inspiration? Look no further than Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech.

As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. ~Steve Jobs

Read The Alchemist by Pablo Coehlo. This book has helped me understand my journey in life and the importance of finding my personal legend. I’m a nonfiction reader and never thought a fiction book could have such a real-life impact. I bought the book on Audible and listen to it frequently.

“Why do we have to listen to our hearts?” the boy asked, when they had made camp that day. “Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you’ll find your treasure.” ~The Alchemist, Pablo Coehlo


Meditation teaches you to see things as they really are versus how you perceive them to be. It reduces stress, increases patience, and gives you a new perspective on life. I started meditating in September 2015 when I returned to the USA and had to make some of the toughest decisions of my life. To get started, I read Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn and downloaded the Headspace app to help with guided meditation. I ended up purchasing a year subscription to Headspace after the 10-day trial.

Journal Excerpt, October 20, 2015

It’s late. I can’t sleep.

I’m feeling depressed. I don’t want to see friends. I don’t want to socialize — I don’t want to do anything except think about Costa Rica.

I’m worried about moving there. I’m worried Sean will resent me. I’m worried my family will hate me. I’m worried it will hurt the ones that I am closest to — more than I’ve already hurt them. I was selfish — so fucking selfish — this summer.

In my heart, I want Costa Rica. But is that what is best for my family?

I don’t know where I’m headed and that concerns me.

“Above all else, don’t worry.”

Indecision is crippling. You must make a decision. You must make a choice.

No phone call, no conversation, no “sign” will make it more clear to you.

You must make a decision.

This is what is supposed to happen. Accept this gift that life has given you. There are thousands of people who would give everything for the opportunity you have in front of you. Seize what life is giving you.

Accept your role. Sometimes it isn’t glamorous, and sometimes you will feel lost, but remember, you can’t be shown the future until you are ready to accept it.

Change is hard. You’ve known this all along — this is why you didn’t want to come back and face it. But you have to do it.

Let my story be the teacher. Let my journey write the story. I am ready. I am ready to embrace a new life. I am accpeting my role in life. I am accepting my calling to lead by example, no matter what those lessons will bring.

My new home in Costa Rica.
Maria Joyner

The fastest talking Southerner you'll ever meet. Baseball fanatic. Open bar enthusiast. Growth Hacker @synappio #RedSoxNation