I sea you.

Thi Nguyen
1 min readFeb 21, 2018


You’re daunting and monolithic. Unapproachable. Cold. Your waves splash and roll, be bold. Jump in. Come in. Let go. Let’s go!

Without thought or regret, I set, I wind up and yet … I hesitate. I’ve been hurt by you. Tricked and questioned by you. Swallowed, engulfed, isolated and suffocated. You held me once, pinned me down to the deepest depths beneath the ground. Trust was lost. At what cost? To our relationship.

But to be human in the midst of greatness, I have no self control. I let go. I jump, I fall. Into the abyss, into the black hole.

And the shock that reverberates through my body and soul. It paralyzes me as I am infused in your cold. Confused and forgotten, I am alone, but as well I am one. With you.

