If you’re a developer, you should start blogging — and here’s why.

My blogging journey and skills I’ve acquired along the way

Isabel Nyo
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Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

There have been many accidental events in my life that have benefited me greatly in my career, and blogging is definitely one of them. Today, I’d like to take you on my blogging journey and share with you some of the skills that I’ve acquired from blogging.

How my blogging journey began

T-shirt from womenintechnology.threadless.com

Let’s start from the very beginning. There is always a reason behind any journey. So the first question that I’d like to address is why I started blogging. Was it for fame or a desire to create a personal brand? Was it to make some side income?

The answer was neither. The reason why I started blogging was actually rather simple. It was because I needed a place to record my learning and it needed to be somewhere that I could access from anywhere that was not tied to a physical device or location. So not on my home computer or my work computer.

And therefore, I only had one audience in mind: myself. I started blogging for myself, so I could access the content from…

