John Kelly — New Vendor At the Trump Soul Market

Starts selling his soul in defense of Trump’s Psychosis

Extra Newsfeed


In what appears to be a high stake coup, President Trump has managed to recruit John Kelly, his chief of staff to be the newest vendor in his “Flea Market for Souls”.

For those who are not so familiar with this Trump Soul Market, it is a super cool market, where vendors get to sell their souls in defense of Trump’s psychotic behavior to any interested buyer who in exchange will agree to normalize racism, misogyny, white supremacy, revenge & nativism. In addition, as part of this deal, the buyers also get a horribly designed time machine that will take them back to the 1800s. The best part about this machine is that it doesn’t need any electricity or battery. The only fuel this time machine needs is HATRED.

John Kelly joins a series of Republican leaders who have established themselves as successful soul sellers in this growing list of vendors at the Trump Soul Market. If Kelly puts his mind into selling his soul on a regular basis, it is quite obvious, that he will become the most successful soul seller in this market given his role as the “chief of staff”.

In this picture, John Kelly is seen making his first official soul sale in the Soul Market, by defending President Trump’s heartless insensitive phone call to Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, who was among the four soldiers killed this month in Niger.

John Kelly, selling his soul



Extra Newsfeed

Entrepreneur, Author of "TEXIT - A Star Alone" (thriller) and short stories, Moody writer writing "stuff". Politics, Movies, Music, Sports, Satire, Food, etc.