Make a positive impact on the people around you

Jaime Bueza
1 min readSep 20, 2017


Sometimes when all you do is pound the pavement you should take the time to look back and ask yourself why you continue to work the way you do.

For me, it’s really about the people I’ve been so lucky to work with. I believe that it’s important to give your people (co-founders, business partners, customers, clients, family members, friends, co-workers) your everything. It’s not about the hours you work — it’s not about the awards you win — it’s not about how much money you make —in the end, people will always remember how you helped them and made their lives better.

I guess what I’m getting at is — life is too short to not be grateful for the people around you. Show them the best version of yourself at all times.


Jaime Bueza is a Canadian entrepreneur and Y Combinator alum. He has delivered software globally for over a decade to clients including Nintendo, Starbucks, Bacardi, T-Mobile, Verizon, Samsung, ADIDAS, Nike, Electronic Arts, Ritchie Brothers, Kiwi Collections, Cox Communications, Microsoft, and Dell Technologies. When he’s not engaging with customers and clients, he’s playing his favourite esports game, League of Legends.

