On Open Source Futures

Open Source Futures
2 min readSep 18, 2017

Scalable Analysis is joelfirenze’s attempt to make sense of the world through various lenses:

  • Complexity — what complexity is, how can it be applied, and what it means for the real world;
  • History — looking at the span of history and thinking if its even possible to learn from it; what do we really learn from history.
  • Futures Thinking — looking at trends, methodologies, that help us frame the understanding of possible futures and responding to the possibilities.

I cover a whole range of topics, from geopolitics in Asia, to satellite imagery and using it to look at changes in the urban environment, and in using foresight tools (such as scenario planning) to look at what’s round the corner.

I will also from time to time, also look at books that have been influential, do reviews and discuss how they have contributed to the thinking in the present.

To join me in this endeavour, I invite you to be a part of a community of thinkers. You can do that by contributing to these efforts through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/m/opensourcefutures

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Open Source Futures

Looking at trends, systems, organizations, politics, industries and how they interact. Contribute to my efforts at www.patreon.com/scalable_analysis.