Michelle Plett
2 min readJan 20, 2017

One liberal, Christian woman says to simply begin by putting real love into action.

Acts 1:8 has come to mind as I think about current world issues and the part we play in it as individuals. As a Christian, I am told that “But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.” As Christians we are called to one simple task, love God and others and so with this in mind, whether you believe in God, or not (and I know my FB page is a varied mix), I believe that we, as citizens of the world, are each personally responsible for changing the world through love. Love as an action, not as a feeling. We, as citizens, need to show love to others, first in our neighborhoods, then our cities, countries and the world. Ask yourself, how in your every day lives you can make small changes that will help others, show love to others? Maybe you think that holding a door for someone, or not honking when another makes a mistake won’t make a difference. Maybe you would normally try to mind your own business when you saw an act of injustice was committed around you. Instead, step up, speak up or get help. March, demonstrate, write letters. Above all, please do not sit silent or worse, cry out in hate or anger or blame. Individuals hold power and it’s what we choose to do with that power will determine the future for our families, friends and the world.

My space is a safe one, if you need to talk or I can help, know I am here for you.