Representation Matters: 10 Big, Bold Babes You Need to Know

Women who are breaking the mold and changing the world for people of size.

Rachael Hope


Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

The feeling of being ‘other’ is one of the most difficult challenges humans face. Looking at my life, the times I felt isolated and alone were some of the worst I had to muck through. When the world tells you things about yourself enough, it becomes hard not to start believing it.

When young people of color see all white superheroes, how can they believe that they can be super? When young people of Asian descent see themselves only in the role of nerdy, brainy sidekick, they start to believe they’re not meant to play the lead. And when fat people see only examples of joke-worthy, lazy, worthless fat people, we start to believe that we must be those things too.

Things only become normalized by exposure.

This is why representation matters so much. Things only become normalized by exposure- it’s one of the reasons I write so much about my experiences as a fat woman in America today. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t seen people like me walking the path I longed to be on. Today I want to introduce you to 10 of the boldest, most beautiful babes who laugh in the face of societal expectations and work every day to…



Rachael Hope

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.