review public for Inside Out 2

3 min readJun 15, 2024


After a year has passed since the first film, Riley is now 13 and ready to start high school. Her emotions — Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust — have created a new part of Riley’s mind called her Sense of Self. This section holds memories and feelings that make up Riley’s core personality. Riley attends hockey camp to try out for the Fire Hawks, the team at her new high school.

The emotions want to make a good impression, so Joy invents a mechanism to push negative memories to the back of Riley’s mind. However, the night before Riley leaves, the emotion console alerts them about “Puberty.” After dealing with the alarm, a group of mind workers unexpectedly enter headquarters and upgrade the console, causing chaos. Before leaving, they warn the emotions about the arrival of “the others.”

The next morning, the emotions realize that whenever they interact with the console, it causes Riley to overreact. At hockey camp, Riley discovers that her friends, Breeanna “Bree” Young and Grace Hsieh, will be attending a different high school. Riley’s stress increases when four new emotions — Envy, Ennui, Embarrassment, and their leader, Anxiety — join Headquarters. While Joy and her friends welcome the new emotions, they worry that they might disrupt Riley’s life. Anxiety, in particular, constantly prompts Riley to think of negative scenarios. Joy and Anxiety clash over how Riley should behave at hockey camp, with Joy wanting her to have fun and Anxiety insisting on focusing on practice to make the Fire Hawks team.

In search of a fresh start, Anxiety decides to tuck away the Sense of Self at the back of Riley’s mind. She deems the old emotions unnecessary and has Embarrassment store them in a massive glass jar, which is then hidden in a vault beneath Riley’s mind where a group of imaginary characters and a deep, dark secret reside.

These characters aid the old emotions in their escape. Meanwhile, Anxiety and the new emotions create a series of negative memories to shape a more corrupted Sense of Self for Riley, believing it will lead to a better future. Using a recall tube, the old emotions send Sadness to Headquarters while the rest head to the Back of the Mind to retrieve Riley’s Sense of Self.

Sadness manages to return, but the new emotions capture her just as she snatches Ennui’s phone to prevent Riley from reading her coach’s journal. Upon discovering that Coach doubts Riley’s readiness to become a Firehawk, Anxiety becomes even more determined to exert control over her. As Joy and the other emotions attempt to reach the back of the mind, they witness Anxiety’s manipulation of Riley through negative emotions. This includes trying to befriend Val by imitating her, which strains Riley’s friendship with Bree and Grace even further.

Eventually, the emotions reach the back of Riley’s mind and retrieve her Sense of Self from a towering heap of unpleasant memories stored there. In their haste, they trigger an avalanche that carries them back to Headquarters, where chaos ensues due to Anxiety’s corrupted Sense of Self. Anxiety herself is frantically controlling Riley during her final hockey game, resulting in an anxiety attack after being benched. The old emotions manage to return in time to prevent further harm, and Joy convinces Anxiety that Riley doesn’t need to change herself for a brighter future.


