Felipe Juárez
2 min readJan 4, 2019
2019 Journey begins

2018 has going by and a new year has begun. Sadly in the last year I wasn’t able to release new content for one thing or another, there were many changes in my life. However that needs to change, why? Because I really enjoy to write and I really hope that the content will be useful to others.

Let me tell you how will be this year.

  1. I will be releasing (at least) one post per month.
  2. The content of the posts will be one of the following topics:
  • Developer tools. Mainly command line tools like vim, tmux, shell, curl, httpie, etc.
  • Solving problems. Those will be a two part posts one containing a higher level solution i.e. pseudocode, draws, others. Those will be helpful for understand the base of the problem and could be used for implement it in a variety of languages. The other one will be the implementation in one language (mainly Elixir but sometime I could use another one like Java, Rust, Ruby or Python)
  • Book reviews. Through the last year I’ve been reading a couple books and have more books in my queue. That’s why I want to share my thoughts on those books that I read. Right now I’m reading Grokking Algorithms and I’ve been really enjoying this book a lot so wait for it.
  • Rust 2019 will be the year that I will be learning it. So in order to enforce it I will be releasing a couple of posts with it.

And that’s all! This is the roadmap for 2019. And as always Good Luck and Have Fun and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

PS. This post is not counting as the first one, let’s call it Pilot

Felipe Juárez

Software Developer at MakingDevs, a competitive gamer currently playing SC2 and Clash Royale. I love beer, anime, manga, music my kids and my wife