Simple Tips That Writers, Poets and Creatives Can Follow for Easy Marketing

Easy ways you can get started marketing your writing today.

Gregory D. Welch
The Startup


Title graphic designed by an author, Gregory D. Welch

“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing” — Tom Fishburne

Marketing can feel intimidating, but these quick tips give you an easier point of entry to get you started.

If you’re like me, you read everything you can find on this topic. I’m a nerd for growth, improvement, and pushing myself to new limits. Remember, I’m the writer who is always writing about progress over perfection.

All that aside, today I wanted to spend some time writing about quick and pretty straightforward marketing tips that are easy to miss. I know I missed one of them for a while myself (I’m embarrassed to admit). But, it’s all about growth, ain’t it?

If you want to really grow your Medium presence, and establish your reach as a writer, these tips are going to help you. Keep reading to find out how.

№1 Think of your bio as your subtitle as a writer

This idea just hit me recently.

You spend so much time, effort, and energy fine-tuning your headings and subheadings on the stories you craft…



Gregory D. Welch
The Startup

When he isn't crafting fiction, Gregory turns to poetry, finding different ways to capture the strangeness and beauty of existence.