Sketch to HTML conversion: An advanced technique for web designing

Adam Parker
2 min readNov 28, 2016


Today, sketch to HTML conversion is very popular among the web designers. Instead of using Adobe Photoshop, the designs of the website are drawn in the form of sketches and then converted into the fully-functional website.

Designing an interactive website is based on the layouts which are created at the initial level in order to get the basic idea about the structure and set up of the site. Sketches are creative and innovative, thus, one can easily relate them to his/her business. Sketch to HTML conversion is an interesting yet easier way to develop engaging and user-friendly sites for the company. HTML as the most popular programming language, is used to develop responsive sites with dynamic web pages.

Sketch to HTML is an advanced technique that is used to build pixel-perfect, multiple browser supporting and responsive websites. A Sketch is a prominent tool for designing the layout of the site easily and it offers remarkable user-interface for the online visitors. Mainly, the applications are designed in the form of sketches and then the websites are designed with HTML coding, this is not a complicated task for the web developers due to the lightweight functionality. With several advanced features, sketch is considered as one of the best web development tools as it shares the following major advantages:

Customized Sketch grid

While designing the layout, sketch allows the user to change the size of the columns according to the requirement and it is helpful to construct the web pages. It offers flexibility with the changing width which is the major feature of this tool. For developing any website or application, sketch is used to arrange all the elements in the well-defined structure and for integrating them together.

Artboard Tool

The functionality of this tool is quite definite and different as it is used for many purposes. Being the part of Sketch, this toolbar is used for outlining the design of the layout and for creating the innovative icons. It contains several buttons and sub-toolbar in order to select the desired dimensions for the website design.


It is the main feature of sketch because it allows creating the newer file through the template. While working on the current file, the user can select the new template directly from the browsing menu saving the another one.


Sketch renders pixel precision feature to the layout as the user can easily change the size of the object without compromising its quality. Irrespective of the dimensions, the website developed through the sketch to HTML conversion runs smoothly on different platforms with improved loading speed.

Benefits of Sketch to HTML conversion:

  1. SEO-friendly markup
  2. Fast loading speed
  3. Multiple browser compatibility
  4. BootStrap framework
  5. W3C validation

So, in order to steer maximum customers towards your business, holding a responsive and engaging website is imperative for every field. With enhanced online visibility, it becomes easier to reach the prominent customers and thus, sketch to HTML is the best way to come up with an interactive and highly optimized website.



Adam Parker

I am a Senior Web Developer working at HTMLPanda, a leading web development company.