Stay Fit(AKA: There Is No Work-Life Balance)

Edwin Klesman
Published in
5 min readOct 2, 2019


There is not Work — Life Balance’ve been working as a developer for the past 15 years and I had my share of struggles:

  • Trying to learn “real work environment” development together with a team at the beginning of my career
  • Not advancing to the next level while putting in hard work
  • Having back issues from working at a desk all day
  • Working at a place with an a-hole boss
  • People forcing me towards work that I didn’t sign up for
  • etc.

Recently, the topic work-life balance is getting popular again. Some say it is an important balance while others dismiss it saying that when you love your work it will be complementary to your life instead of a separate thing.

In this post, I want to show you my take on how to keep energetic, motivated, and relevant as a coder/maker and healthy (both physical and mentally).

In short: I want to show you how you can stay Fit.

It’s not about this-versus-that balance

As a human being, we are more then our job. We are more than the sum of our family and/or friends. And even what we do outside of work doesn’t define…



Edwin Klesman

Senior dev @Detacom | cross-platform mobile & web dev | Product Maker | SaaS | from app ideas to implementation | Owner | Music: