The 5 Most Dangerous
Corporate Practices

Dangerous as in:
Holding Back the Future,
Keeping Most of Us Locked in a
20th Century Twilight Zone

Bill Jensen
4 min readJan 11, 2015

Counting down from 5 to 1

[ Based upon: Jensen Group’s Future of Work Study: 2015–2020, Work 2.0 Study: Business Seems to Be at War With Its Workforce, as well as Search for a Simpler Way Study research for my last 7 books. ]

In the more than 1,000,000 interviews and surveys in which I’ve studied how work gets done, I’ve discovered Three Universal Truths:

  1. Most People: Pretty Darn Amazing.
    We have an unlimited capacity
    for growth, change, productivity, efficiency, teamwork, creativity, imagination, collaboration, kindness,
    joy, and so much more.
  2. Most Business Systems (close to 100% of which were created in the 20th century) designed to “help” people coordinate their efforts, be productive and do their best: Pretty Darn Bad.
  3. Most Business Systems Greatly Diminish Our Capacity for Greatness.

That is, UNTIL NOW.
We are experiencing the first-shot disruptions in a revolution of system design — where the systems for organizing things and work and people can be reimagined and turned upside down with just a few apps.

Staying stuck in the black&white twilight zones of 20th century systems is so unnecessary, wasteful and destructive. Our Future of Work Study found that way too many leaders are holding back the future because 21st century changes come wrapped in risk — to them.

Guess what? The revolution is pivoting.

Up ‘til now, C-Suiters holding onto 20th century business systems have only felt the revolution from out there — not necessarily from within their own company:
Mobile phone apps might tweak how corporate IT thinks about things…
But no real pressure for a major rethink. We’re on top of this.”
Adventurous start-ups might spark debates about one’s HR and leadership practices… “But the way we do it works for us… No major rethinks needed.”
Micro-financing and crowdfunding business models might provoke a small pilot project in how budgets are built and distributed…
But no real reason to change how we do budgeting. We’re good.”

No more.

Time to hack EVERY business system. Including the sacred cows.
EVERY SINGLE business system is ripe for disruption!

(e.g., see Hack the Science of Engagement)

Why? Because now the revolution is coming in your front door.
Can you hear it knocking?
It’s coming for you.

Between 2015–2020, Millennials become 50% of the workforce.
By 2020, much of the industrialized world will be facing a talent time bomb in not being able to find the right talent with the right skills.
By 2030, the world’s largest economies will have more jobs than adult citizens to do those jobs.

Workforce complacency is approaching a tipping point. Never again will the workforce be willing to or be able to do their work with 20th century systems that are so overtly corporate-centered, and so horrible at meeting their needs.

Here’s to the crazy ones. The rebels. The misfits. The troublemakers….
They have no respect for the status quo.
You can…disagree with them…or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things. They push the human race forward.

Signs of the times…

Bill Jensen has hacked systems since childhood. Like mastering how to appear to be on the opponent’s team in order to steal their flag, and figuring out workarounds to street games like skully and kick the can.
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Bill Jensen

Makes it easier to do great work. Hacks stupid work. Author. Speaker. Loves life, family, fun — everything that matters.