The business-built CRM

Ricardo Sequerra Amram
Point Nine Land
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2021

Our investment in Attio

CRM, one of the largest categories in software, is dominated by enormous companies such as Salesforce ($285Bn) and Hubspot ($35Bn) amongst many others. Whilst these companies are doing an amazing job at servicing large-scale sales and marketing teams inside organizations, they often feel extremely rigid and highly opinionated. Customers are hostages of the funnel-based workflow instilled by these tools and almost always have to invest development resources in customization to fit these tools to their workflow.

CRM also goes beyond sales and marketing, it’s about relationships. It’s about clients but also partners, external stakeholders, freelancers… literally anyone your company interacts with! More often than not, to avoid the complexity and rigidity of dominant CRM tools, users and teams revert back to excel sheets or no-code tools like Airtable and Notion to track their relationships. But in doing so, users give up on all the helpful features a traditional CRM offers (the system of action) and forgo any sort of data enrichment or automation for the sake of easily building the workflow in other tools.

Users and teams shouldn’t have to compromise on anything.

That’s why we are excited to announce our investment in Attio today.

Meet Attio

Attio is building a no-code CRM to help individuals and teams manage their relationships. It’s simple and easy to use whilst being very powerful and highly customizable.

With Attio, users can; in a matter of minutes:

  1. Connect their existing data streams (email, calendar and in the future product or analytics software) and sync it in a matter of seconds. The onboarding process is an absolute wow factor :)
  2. Start building their own workflows and processes from the ground up or leverage the large library of templates available to do so.
  3. Invite colleagues and collaborate on Attio in real-time.
  4. Build automations based on data and their own rules.
Attio’s beautiful UI also available in dark mode :)

Users get to value instantly. It’s incredibly easy to start building, empowering users from day one.

Our investment thesis

Empowering businesses to build

We believe Attio is part of a new generation of software tools that empower users to easily define their own workflows and processes. Users can build any workflow or process on Attio thanks to the tool’s flexibility, simplicity, and high degree of customization. We had been looking for a solution applying these design principles for a while as the CRM vertical hasn’t yet seen a no-code winner yet. Attio is in pole position to win!

Data and automation at anyone’s fingertips — Attio ingests and analyzes existing data sources in real-time, eliminating the need for manual input. This enables users to build automations on top of their processes and the data Attio ingests. This is key for users to manage relationships at scale whilst growing according to the needs of a scaling organization.

Self-service and product-led FTW — When looking for new software, users don’t want to interact with sales teams. They just want to try a product out, get started and invite their team members. Unlike most other CRM providers, we believe Attio is perfect for a self-serve, product-led motion.

Product centric DNA — Nicolas, Alexander, and the rest of the team have product centricity in their DNA. They think about every single detail of the product based on their product principles, rooted in simplicity, flexibility, and customization. There’s no better team for the opportunity ahead.

Welcome Attio!

Welcome to the P9 Family Nicolas, Alex, and the whole Attio team. We’re very glad to have earned your trust and to lead your seed round alongside our friends at Balderton Capital, Headline, P9 Family members Mathilde Colin at Front, Vinay and Shahed at Loom, and other awesome angels!

Attio is in early access you can sign up for their waiting list here. The team is hiring across all departments so if you want to join an incredible team to build the future of relationships check out their job pages here.

We have great relationships to enable together :)

