The Inner Journey Involves Reversing the Consciousness Current, by Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
5 min readJul 14, 2018

In the 20th century the great Sage Maharshi Mehi compared the ascending of Consciousness to a fish swimming upstream. The mind must go inward, which is the reverse of its usual and easy outward path. Just as the fish struggles against the current, so an equal effort must be made to go against the current of the mind. By going inward against the current of the mind, one experiences the Divine joy.

In the words of Sant Maharshi Mehi:

“The stream of celestial nectar is flowing from the subtle canal of the sushumna nerve. Like a fish the Consciousness Current is moving upstream. Like a fish making its way upstream, the mind travels with Consciousness away from the senses (the current) with great difficulty. (This will seem to the mind a difficult and ‘unnatural’ course, as the mind is habituated to move toward the senses and the sensory objects.)”

But how exactly this concentration of dispersed Consciousness and reversing it inward is accomplished? It is accomplished by collecting your mind within with intense focus…

The mind is inconceivably more subtle and faster than even the speed of light. Physicists have told us that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. We can see light, but one does not see the mind due to the subtle nature of mind. This is something to ponder: How fast can the mind travel when it is collected and concentrated instead of being spread and dispersed in the external world? Now consider that Consciousness is even more subtle than the mind and permeates it just as radio waves travel through physical objects. When collected, Consciousness has the unimaginable speed. This is how (with the immense energy) the soul is capable of reaching God.

The Methods for Returning to the Divine Source, by Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj

When the mind becomes concentrated so does the Current of Consciousness which permeates the body and mind. Therefore, the Sants have given instruction about the ways to withdraw and concentrate the mind within. Maharshi Mehi elaborates on this in the Philosophy of Liberation. The following references are particularly worth studying:

“In whatever realm of this universe one lives, it is natural to get the support from the predominant element of that realm. Therefore, one who is dwelling in the physical realm will naturally take support from the material elements. It would be easier to utilize the sensory elements in the method to concentrate the mind.”

Therefore, to begin to concentrate the mind, one should make use of Mānas japa ([simran] mental repetition of the name of God), and Mānas Dhyāna (focusing on a physical manifested form of God). God permeates all realms of nature and the entire universe. The Saints, prophets, sages, all radiant and all benevolent beings are myriad physical manifestations of the Divine Powers on earth. Fixing the mind on one of their images (Mānas Dhyāna; focus on a Divine form [form of the master]) facilitates concentration of the mind and prepares it to enter into the inner subtle realms.

In order to enter into the subtle realms, one must take support of the subtle element. One must therefore practice taking support of the subtle (non-material) element. Subtle support is “the Infinitesimal Point”. This Point is visualized in the middle of two eye-brows [Third Eye Center]. The Infinitesimal Point is also known as the subtlest of the subtle forms of God. Bindu (Point) is defined as an Indivisible Point. It is too minute to be drawn or indicated in any physical way. Driśti Yoga, the Yoga of Vision [inner Light Meditation] is an uninterrupted concentration on (literally “seeing”) on the Infinitesimal Point. Driśti is the power of seeing. Single-Pointedness (intense focus) is attained by sitting with closed eyes and practicing uniting the beams of vision of both eyes. The technique of how to gaze on a single Infinitesimal Point [Third Eye Center] in the center and concentrating the mind on that Point is taught by the teacher. This is known as Driśti Yoga. In this practice it is advised neither to focus forcefully nor manipulate the eyeballs in any manner. The Saints teach specifics of this yogic technique. By this practice the inner Divine Vision is opened. This is beyond the sensory dimension of seeing.

When the state of one-pointedness (complete focus) of mind is attained, it is possible to listen to the Divine Inner Sounds which arise from the juncture of the material and subtle realms. These Celestial Sounds are not audible to the sensory ears. When the subtle state (sukhma, non-material) is reached, it becomes possible to perceive the Divine Sounds of the subtle realm. This Sound has the inherent quality of attracting the Consciousness to its Point of Origin. Once that Sound is perceived, Consciousness is drawn to the Sounds of each successive and ascending realm until Consciousness reaches the Soundless Realm (Shbadatita [Anami, Radhasoami]). This is the realm of God (a State of Transcendence and Bliss). To achieve this, service to and association with a Sat Guru, as well as his instruction and grace are essential. The practitioner must also be diligent in practice.

The path described above can be summarized in the following manner. The four practices are gross to subtle in an ascending order: Mānas japa [simran], Mānas Dhyāna [contemplating upon the form of the master], Driśti Yoga [Inner Light Meditation], Nadanusandhana (Sound Yoga [Inner Sound Meditation]), and the Soundless Yoga. The practices of Mānas japa (mantra [simran]) and Mānas Dhyāna are the worship of the physical, qualified (personal) form of God. (God is perceived in various manifestations of name and form in the gross realm). The practice of the meditation on the Infinitesimally Small Point, Driśti Yoga, is the worship of the subtle qualified form of God (where God perceived as the Infinitesimal Point). Concentration on the Divine Sounds, Nadas (other than Sār Śabad, the Divine Sound of the beginning, Logos) is the worship of the qualified Formless Divine. As this meditation finally leads to the meditation on the Sār Śabad (the Original Divine Sound). The meditation on this essential Sound, Logos, Adi Shabda, is the worship of the Unqualified-Formless (the Transcendent Godhead). This meditation is the culmination of all forms of worship. But without completely mastering all these practices and treading the inward journey, it will be impossible to reach the Soundless State (the realization of the Impersonal Divine). This is the Realm of God and the attainment of mokśa (the state of liberation). Reaching this the aspirant experiences absolute peace and achieves the ultimate goal of human life.

— Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj:

— “Harmony Of All Religions” (Sarvadharma Samanvy) — about Inner Light and Sound Meditation in the Great World Religions and the Sant Mat tradition, by Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj:



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: