The Real, Sick, and Twisted Story Behind the #MeToo Movement.

The Penguin Official
9 min readFeb 24, 2020

Like most Hollywood stories that are too fantastical to be real, the truth behind the #MeToo movement is a tale so depraved, so disgusting, and so fucked up that no one will believe it. But people said the same about Gary Oldman’s lifelong obsession with Robert DeNiro after Uma Thurman cheated on him (yes her and Oldman were married) the longtime Scorsese collaborator. They also said the same thing about Spencer Tracy’s affair with Katherine Hepburn, former Christian Missionary Alliance pastor David Berg’s sordid sexual indoctrination of young children, and the smear campaigns against actress Patricia Douglass back in “Old Hollywood”.

If you think what I’m about to tell you is batshit insanity, well, I’ll leave you with this old adage: “That’s showbusiness baby.”

Bob and Harvey Weinstein

First, you need to know the players, trust me, they’ll all make sense at the end of this:

  1. Bob Weinstein
  2. Harvey Weinstein
  3. Jodi Kanter, Megan Twohey, and Ronan Farrow
  4. Asia Argento and throngs of other actresses
  5. Kevin Spacey
  6. David Geffen

Bob Weinstein is the one who ratted his brother, Harvey, out to the press with stories of sexual misconduct. If you think it’s because he felt guilty about all of the women he offered movie parts to if they’d fuck him, no, that’s not it. If it’s because he suspected his brother raped some of these women who unfortunately felt compelled to sleep with him in order to advance their careers in the cutthroat world of entertainment? No, that’s not the case either.

Harvey and ‘Planet Terror’ actress Rose McGowan.

There were several high-profile Hollywood players who all said they stood by silently, for the most part, while Harvey conducted his casting couch sessions. Halle Berry, once upon a time, was veryvocal with some friends about having to fuck Harvey in order to get a movie role. An Oscar arrived for the actress soon after. Harvey would give you a meaty role in one of his films, or call in a favor to get you an Academy-Award-winning-part. If you sniffed his pickle, that is.

The trouble though, is that the awards well started to dry up. Sure, the Weinstein Company was still churning out solid, critically acclaimed films that every actor wanted to be a part of, but it was clear that it needed to take a new direction in order to be the juggernaut it once was.

Which may be the reason why Harvey’s brother, Bob, made a call to one of three journalists.

’80s period piece looking villain but real life journalist, Ronan Farrow.

Jodi Kanter and Meghan Twohey are the “top names” when it comes to breaking the Harvey Weinstein story, but they probably weren’t the ones who received the call. Ronan was most likely the one who was approached by Bob, or someone who leaked the information, on Bob’s behalf, that his brother Harvey was a sex-mongering Ogre.

But why would Bob do that? Why would he sell his brother and lifelong business partner down the river, if not for a guilty conscience?

Ownership of The Weinstein Company, that’s why.

Bob had approached Harvey to buy the entire production unit and run things as he saw fit. Harvey, quite eloquently, told him to go and fuck himself. So Bob decided to publicly humiliate his brother into ostriching himself by embarrassing the man and putting him in a position where no one in Tinseltown would ever want to work with him. It was a humiliation-for-control-play that ultimately backfired.

Harvey and the star of ‘Joy’.

Bob was probably thinking that, like most Hollywood sex scandals, Harvey would come out from under it without much issue. It’s not like he put women to sleep and raped them, to the best of Bob’s knowledge. No, Harvey was the devil in the swivel chair, offering you the role you always dreamed of that could pave the way for a lucrative and artistically fulfilling career…if you touched his pee-pee. But that’s not rape, per se.

Hell, some of the actresses even banked on the fact that they could fuck their way to the top. Asia Argento reportedly was constantly calling Harvey’s offices in attempts to sleep with the producer, even offering to bring friends along so he could indulge in whatever Jabba the Hutt fantasies he had going on in his mind. Just ask any of Harvey’s former assistants and secretaries.

But, Harvey would often get “bored” with the beautiful women he’d carrot-dangle into snapping his Slim Jim, and he stopped taking Asia’s calls — he was no longer interested in trading fucks-for-roles with the former girlfriend of Anthony Bourdain and she was relegated to sparse parts in foreign films.

Asia Argento with an underage costar she became way too close with.

Which makes sense why, once the Weinstein story broke out, Asia was one of the first people to rise up and publicly accuse Harvey of sexual assaulting her. Now I want to stop here for a second to say that I’m not saying Weinstein didn’t rape anybody. Nor am I saying that being told by one of the most powerful men in Hollywood: “You’ll probably never work in this town again if you don’t play ball and by play ball I mean play with my balls” isn’t a total mindfuck. It’s difficult to imagine being in that position where every single dream you ever wanted lies in the gnarled dick of a boorish fat bastard who knows no woman will ever fuck him because they want to.

But there is a definite correlation between the #MeToo movement’s most avid female actress proponents and their level of talent. There’s also, in their stories, a clear distinction between rape and basically a “you-do-this-for-me-and-I’ll-do-this-for-you” promise. Lupita Nyong’o spoke openly about Harvey’s proposition to her. She chose to decline and less than a year later her career blossomed.

Lupita, in utter disbelief that people like ‘Get Out’ more than ‘Us’.

I’m not saying that every person’s case would have been like Lupita’s, had they stared the Devil in the face and told him to fuck off, but I am saying that Asia Argento is a shit actress and also a statutory rapist, to boot. She fucked her own young co-star after playing his mother in a movie (ick). Uma Thurman was another vocal #MeToo movement actress who also…objectively sucks and is constantly getting torn to shreds in the majority of her work. Remember that Broadway play she did? Yeah, me neither.

Rose McGowan’s case was interesting as well because the actress, like the young actor Asia Argento slept with, was paid off. Unlike that young actor Asia deflowered, however, Rose was a consenting adult when Harvey gave her the old fuck-for-a-role ultimatum. She wasn’t exactly known for her riveting performances in Jawbreaker or Ready to Rumble. No, Rose was a gorgeous, full-lipped sex symbol with little to no talent to speak of, who was paid handsomely for sleeping with the producer.

Is it mean to say these things? Absolutely. But Rose, like many of the women, were paid off by Harvey. They finally had a chance to take a stand and speak out against his disgusting behavior, and they did. But it wasn’t because of some over-arching theme of social justice. It was because Bob wanted Harvey’s share of the company, and then it snowballed into a movement that helped launch cancel culture into a new stratosphere. And it was popularized by a statutory rapist! Who cheated on the Parts Unknown geek!

Harvey, eyeing his next victim while trying to fold his arms across his tits.

The #MeToo movement went out of hand. Louie C.K. was destroyed for asking people if they wanted to be in the room while he jerked off, at a distance. Aziz Ansari, a man who couldn’t rape a pastry if he tried, was nearly painted as a predator by a woman who had a regrettable, awkward hookup with him. Meanwhile, Ben Affleck, who actually grabbed a woman’s tit on national television, managed to briefly limp,then walk away unscathed after sending out some vague apology tweets. Things are easier when you’re tall, dark, and “handsome”.

It seemed like every single person who ever worked in entertainment was going to have to find work on Greek soap operas — their time was indeed up. That’s until the best part of Seven made headlines for coming out of the closet while apologizing for what could’ve been the rape of a young male actor.

Yes, the news of Kevin Spacey confirming what everybody already knew since K-Pax and that he may have sexually assaulted a young boy made headlines. The #MeToo movement got even more complex, stories of other stars who were engaging in intercourse with youngins, like Asia Argento, began popping up too. It looked like we were all set to finally address these decades-long nasty rumors of pedophilia in Hollywood. Corey Feldman was going to bring us all home — it was like The Lost Boys in real life, except, you know, without the awesome Rob Lowe poster.

Ever notice how the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements immediately started losing traction after the Spacey and Asia news? Many would attribute its downfall to the fact that Asia was caught being, simply put, a fucking hypocrite, but surely the news that one actress, who’s biggest claim to fame is making out with a french journalist and causing the author of Kitchen Confidential to be so depressed he hanged himself days before his young daughter’s birthday in a hotel closet, surely wasn’t enough to torpedo an entire entertainment reckoning?

The fact is, it wasn’t. But news stories about pedophilia in Hollywood did, as did a renewed interest in director Amy Berg’s 2014 documentary, An Open Secret. If Amy’s name sounds familiar, it’s because she helmed a similar project that delved into the longtime sexual abuse of children by the Roman Catholic Church, the Academy Award nominated film Deliver Us From Evil.

So why have you never heard of An Open Secret, the documentary you’ll have to leave this enlightening piece of literature behind to view on Vimeo below?

David Geffen, that’s who.


Geffen is, simply put, the most feared and powerful man in show business. With an estimated net worth of $9.1 billion, the dude controls throngs of different studio productions, music labels, and countless other businesses and interests.

He’s also a raging pedophile. Ask anyone in Hollywood and they’ll tell you more or less the same thing about him:

I’d love to work with the guy, but I’d never bring my nephew around him.

Geffen is the kind of man who has no problems with having you wake up dead, and his name pops up in a few cases that could, at best, be described as shady, gnarly, and reeking of murderdom. Remember that whole Hollywood sex abuse scandal? Yeah, Geffen’s name pops up in that, too.

Geffen and a 20-year-old he was fucking.

The DreamWorks exec took out a restraining order on a 20-year-old football player he was romantically involved with. The 71-year-old is an expert at distancing himself from scandal upon scandal, and it’s not wild to assume he had a part to play in quieting the reports on pedophilia, much as he was rumored to have done with blocking the release, marketing, and buzz around An Open Secret back in 2014.

I could go on and on about Geffen and the sordid stories surrounding his skullduggery, his attempts at normalizing love for young boys, and the fact that he’s basically the biggest villain in show business alive right now. But honestly, I know the fact I’m writing this from a fake account isn’t enough to save me and he could hire someone who’ll find my real identity and have me murked for what I’ve written so far. Please, don’t let this story go viral, just copy and paste the text, and share it wherever you want. I’ll be deleting it soon.

So there you have it: the real story of the rise and fall of the #MeToo movement in a nutshell.



The Penguin Official

I write about things others are terrified to cover.