The perfect PR recipe?!

Content delivered, PR done.
2 min readJan 4, 2017


This is an age of round the clock news breaks, and news agencies around the world are in a frenzy to get what they perceive as ‘breaking news’ to the consumer.

But, this is also the age where news houses are under intense scrutiny by their consumers, and also critics who are more informed and equipped by the social media to counter any misrepresentation or mistake in facts that come out along with the breaking news and views.

So, in this age of social 3.0, where news and views are shaped by the minute, how does one serve as a better PR professional.

The PR pro serves his set of clients, equipping them with the right news to be communicated at the right time in the targeted media — conventional, and social. His expertise in the communication business is meant to serve the needs of the client who acts a consumer.

On the other end of the spectrum, the PR pro also serves the needs of the journalists. The well equipped and informed PR pro is someone who can facilitate the journalist with the right bits of information and right facts, illustrate what will be trends in any industry in product, service or innovation, and beef up the journalistic armor of his consumers at the other end.

From being just release pushers or press conference specialists, the PR profession has completely morphed into a new avatar — that in which each PR professional or PR agency is co-creating and collaborating with their consumers — the clients and the journalistic fraternity as well.

There is intense competition for eye balls and viewed/read column centimeters, and every right 140 or so characters which are pregnant with news-breaks, and news shapes (setting trends for what would make bigger news in the media).

For the well meaning journalists and media houses, who want to be a credible source of breaking and shaping news and views, the need of the hour is people who can collaborate and co-create.

And the onus to take this place is on PR professionals who want to make a difference to their clients. The one question which a PR pro or agency must ask them-self everyday is — ARE WE COLLABORATING AND CO-CREATING?

That is a recipe that will make all the difference, now, and in the future!



Content delivered, PR done.

Dabbles in writing, PR, recruitment & headhunting, marketing et al. Reach me —