
Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend

Ömer Akyürek
2 min readMar 3, 2015

The average person worldwide lives about 64.3 years. This would be 33.819,228 minutes.

Seems a lot right?

But on average people spend 444 minutes (!) every day looking at screens, or 7.4 hours. That breaks down to 147 minutes spent watching TV, 103 minutes in front of a computer, 151 minutes on a smartphone and 43 minutes with a tablet.

We spend 31% of our daily time just looking at screens!

Just ask yourself and please be honest: how much quality time do you spend with your family, close friends and your partner? Is it 444 minutes every day?

Don´t you think that we are spending way too much time looking at screens instead of hanging out with friends, eating meals together, talking about the events of the day, sharing joys and defeats or spending some evenings popping corn and watching movies?

The way we are currently consuming information is broken.

If you indulge in a few days away from your Inbox or Twitter stream, the emails start to pile up and key news is missed.

A new survey revealed 56% of people are afraid of missing out on events, news and important status updates if they are away from social networks.

Getting rid of screen time will not happen. Getting away from social networks will not solve the problem. Instead, we have to find better and more efficient ways to consume information, so we can save time and spend it somewhere else. It would make all the difference.

We live in a world full of noise and distraction. Yet many talented people are building stuff, that no one cares. I need a solution. You too. So why not working on one and providing it to you?

Step outside. Enjoy some fresh air. Hang out with your friends and family because:

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend “ — Theophrastus




Ömer Akyürek

Background in economics and marketing. Designer at day, Developer at night. — oemerax.com