Today on the Internet #0006

Matthew Manos
2 min readSep 16, 2014


Today on the Internet #0006: My Lunch, Rainbows, Fonts, Alexander Graham Bell, IKEA, Rich People Building Parks. A bi-weekly look at stuff the internet has to offer, so that you don’t have to.

A: My lunch (via Facebook)

Because 비빔밥 is just super tasty. Here is a little bit about the history of bibimbap from Wikipedia: “Bibimbap is first mentioned in the Siuijeonseo, an anonymous cookbook from the late 19th century. There its name is given as 부븸밥 (bubuimbap). Some scholars assert that bibimbap originates from the traditional practice of mixing all the food offerings made at an ancestral rite (jesa) in a bowl before partaking in it.

B: Really pretty web fonts (via Commercial Type)

If you don’t like rainbows and fonts, you should leave right now. This new website by Commercial Type is a prime example of the “Type Specimen” sheet for 2014 and beyond. I love the approach they took which incorporates a micro-site for each font they put out.

C: This monologue of Alexander Graham Bell losing his shit (via McSweeney’s)

“Just like that, one fucking call, and the next time you set foot in the Academy of Science is in a fucking jar. That’s right, when they literally set your foot in a jar as an exhibit because of the crazy warts you develop when you can’t afford shoes anymore ‘cause no one will hire you as a scientist. And all it would take, is one fucking call.” Image: “Alexander Graham Bell” by Moffett Studio — Library and Archives Canada / C-017335. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

D: So, IKEA is kind of a “non-profit.” (via FastCo)

Perhaps taking notes from the Church of Kardashian, it turns out IKEA has a funky business model that is enabling them to get by on paying ~3.5% in taxes. Do you think they have a cute instruction manual called “how to succeed at tax evasion”? On a side note, I just recently finished building way too much IKEA furniture. Can I get a tax write off for that? Image via IKEA.

E: The founder of The North Face is building some beautiful parks, but locals are a little ticked off about it (via The Atlantic)

The cause and dedication is beyond noble, but far too often do we see these kind of cases of neoliberalism amongst wealthy and/or naive Americans take precedence over the actual needs and concerns of local communities. Oh well, at least there will be some pretty parks? All photos by Diana Saverin



Matthew Manos

Observations & Anticipations. Everyday & Someday. Mundane & Extraordinary.