True North

Sung Cho
1 min readSep 13, 2018

I sent the following note to a fellow startup founder today.

Business goes up and down, and we always wonder if we are doing it right or wrong. However, as long as there’s true north, we don’t have to worry. Hurricanes and storms come our way, but as long as we are heading to true north, we will somehow figure things out, even though we would never actually ‘arrive’ at the true north during our short life span.

We are heading toward the true north as long as we are ethical, treat people fairly, and have two ears open for criticism as well as compliments.

It’s something I have been thinking a lot these days. We had a major setback in business last week, and I panicked. I thought the sky was falling down on me, and was scared that the business I built over three years would go away. Luckily, together with the team, we made the right decisions, and we survived and got stronger. Surprisingly, the seemingly devastating incident, wasn’t as bad I thought, and our users stayed with us, trusting us.

I am more confident than I was yesterday, and that’s a great feeling.

