
Mark Kola
1 min readJul 12, 2017


Being uncomfortable gets my Spidey senses going. It is uncanny how I can see problems with much more clarity. The smallest details become chasms that I need to conquer or cross. Now combine being uncomfortable with new surroundings. It is like when Superman first discovers his superpowers of seeing everything blurring by and he can’t take it all in till he focuses.

This is me now, with a new job and different environment. Here are steps I am taking for better clarity that may help you.

  • Slow down. Not everything has to be solved right away.
  • Find those who are comfortable already. Listen to what works for them. Be careful not to assimilate and look for opportunities to add value to their processes.
  • Know the long term vision. Keep referring to it as you are doing day to day work. Remove the work that doesn’t progress toward the vision.
  • Embrace mistakes as valuable lessons.
  • Be bold and courageous in your decision making.

Be comfortable with uncomfortable.

Originally published at www.tribalthirst.com on July 12, 2017.

