Use Task for Asynchronous Actions

Alex Kelley
9 min readMay 28, 2018


This is Tutorial 13 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript. Be sure to read the series introduction where I cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript. I will be publishing a new tutorial approximately once-per-month. So come back often, there is a lot more to come!

Index | << Introduction < Tutorial 12 | Tutorial 14> Tutorial 27 >>


Welcome to Tutorial 13 in the series Make the leap from Javascript to PureScript. I hope you’re enjoying it thus far. If you’re new to this series, then be sure to read the Introduction to learn how to install and run PureScript. The series outline and javascript code samples were borrowed with permission from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf — thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption of each tutorial is that you’ve watched his video before tackling the equivalent PureScript abstraction featured in this tutorial. Brian covers the featured concepts exceptionally well, and I feel it’s better that you understand his implementation first, in the comfort of JavaScript.

In this tutorial, we are going to refactor our structure Task from Tutorial 12 so that it mimics a standard node callback style based workflow - minus the nested callbacks! If you recall, I mentioned we could implement FolkTale.js Task using two approaches. The first is Continuation Passing Style (CPS), which we covered in the last tutorial. The second is using asynchronous actions, which we'll utilize in this tutorial. I should also mention again that, unlike Elm or FolkTale.js, there is no Task package or structure in PureScript. So I implemented my own semi-version of the API using the functionality that is readily available in PureScript.

This tutorial covers the high-level aspects of implementing the examples from Brian’s videos from Tutorial 12 & 13 in PureScript, which you’ll find in my Tutorial 13 repository. However, I won’t get too deep into the details of how I implemented the Task API. This way, if you’re not interested or you’re still a beginner at PureScript, then you won’t feel annoyed or overwhelmed by some of the dense type signatures that I needed to make it work. Be aware that purescript-aff is the library that we use to implement asynchronous computations in PureScript. Let’s get started by taking a step back to discuss how to write asynchronous computations in PureScript. For more information on purescript-aff, be sure to have a look at the references that I've listed at the end of this tutorial.

Asynchronous programming using Aff

Asynchronous programming in PureScript is performed using the Aff monad. Here, Aff stands for “asynchronous effects” and purescript-aff allows us to write our programs as if we were writing synchronous code with effects. However, behind the scenes, our program is operating asynchronously without any nested callbacks, similar to promises in JavaScript. Moreover, error handling is baked in, so we can use the functions from Task (or any error handling function) to deal with them the way we want. If you've looked at the purescript-aff library and wondered how to put it into action, then this tutorial is for you!

In Tutorial 4 — Part 1, I introduced the topic of side effects. A function or expression creates a side effect, such as logging to the console, by modifying some state outside its scope, or it has an observable interaction with its calling functions or the outside world. So far, we have been using the Eff monad to manage our side effects. But when we're programming asynchronously, then we use Aff instead of Eff. So anything run under the Aff eff a monad is an asynchronous computation with effects eff. The computation may error with an exception, or produce a type a.

Task API — First type constructor

Let’s first remind ourselves that a Task, when implemented asynchronously, represents asynchronous effects that may fail. It’s useful for stuff like reading and writing a file or hitting an API endpoint. However, before we delve into our first type signature, I want to mention that Ryan Rempel’s talk on Elm in PureScript inspired me for the Task and TaskE structures. It helped to move my code examples along. In my Tutorial 13 repository, I suggest that you first look at my Task API Control.Monad.Task. In that module, you'll find the signature for the Task type constructor:

-- | Task.purs (excerpt) type Task a = Aff a

Here the type constructor Task a represents an asynchronous computation with effects that may error with an exception or produce a result of type a. From the description above, recognize thatTask is just a type synonym for the Aff monad, and therefore I could've represented it as such.

Tutorial 12 Revisited

Now, taking the examples from Tutorial 12, it’s easy to match the functionality of Folktale.Task. Remember, these are the asynchronous Aff alternatives to using the continuation monad Cont we covered in the last tutorial. You'll find this code in Tut12Aff.purs

-- | Tut12Aff.purs (excerpt)tut12Res :: Task Unit 
tut12Res =
taskOf "good task"
# fork (\e → log $ "err " <> e)
(\x → log $ "success " <> show x)
tut12Rej :: Task Unit
tut12Rej =
taskRejected "bad task"
# fork (\e -> log $ "err " <> show e)
(\x -> log $ "success " <> x)
-- | Main.purs (excerpt) main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log "\nTut12 - Task.of example"
void $ launchAff tut12Res
log "\nTut12 - Task.rejected example"
void $ launchAff tut12Rej

Hopefully, now that you’re familiar with our Task type constructor, the code snippet above is not so scary. First, let's look at the type signature for tut12Res. It states the for all effects eff, we return an asynchronous Task, parameterized with an effect that logs our result to the console & any other effect; along with a type Unit which represents no computational content. The function tut12Res creates a task of String "good task", and because taskOf always returns a successful computation, fork returns the "success" code given in its right argument. The function tut12Rej, does the opposite by rejecting the task and throwing an error. So, we handle the error by executing the first argument; logging "err bad task" to the console.

When we run the function launchAff, shown in the main module, then that is the time we execute our asynchronous tasks created by tut12Res and tut12Rej. In the main do block, we see a mix of synchronous and asynchronous computations combined. For example, log "\nTut12 - Task.rejected example" is performed synchronously, while \x → log $ "success " <> show x in Tut12Aff.purs is performed asynchronously. What I love about purescript-aff is that you feel like you're writing synchronous code, and relieved from writing tedious callbacks in JavaScript.

I’ve also rewritten “launchMissiles” and “rejectMissiles” from the Tutorial12 repository to use async computation, so check out Tut12Aff.purs to see those examples. They’re using concepts covered in the example Tut13.purs (see below). So let's move on and explore the other important type signature from Task.purs.

Task API — Second type constructor

-- | Task.purs (excerpt)  type TaskE x a = ExceptT x (Aff a)

Don’t be confused by the difference between Task and TaskE, rather bear with me for a moment. The type alias for TaskE is a little dense, so first let’s understand what is ExceptT x. Without going down into the monad rabbit hole, you can think of ExceptT as a wrapper which adds exceptions x to other monads. So the E at the end of the name TaskE makes this distinction. In our case, the other monad in this structure is Task a. Also, as a reminder, Task a is a type synonym for Aff a.

So by creating TaskE, I am adding the ability to throw an exception in the Task monad manually. I need this capability to implement taskRejected correctly. One other benefit is that exceptions x can be any type (e.g., String), and no longer limited to the Error type exclusively. When we runExceptT (see toAff in Task.purs ) , our TaskE structure is transformed into Aff (Either x a). This transformation sets us up to execute our rej or res functions (see explanation below), depending on failure or a successful computation, respectively. Whew!

This explanation is as far as I want to go in delving into my Task API. Because assuming you watched Brian’s video, then you don’t need anything further to implement his read/write file example. I’ve modeled my Task API to resemble the Folktale implementation of Task closely. However, if you're farther along in your PureScript adventures then feel free to study the code. Writing it certainly helped with my understanding in implementing asynchronous computations.

File operations using TaskE

The primary example in Brian’s video is reading a configuration file and writing out a new port number using Task from Folktale.js. We're going to do the same in this example using PureScript.

-- | Tut13.purs (excerpt) readFile_ 
:: Encoding
→ String
→ TaskE String String
readFile_ enc filePath =
newTask $
\cb -> do
Console.log ("\nReading File: " <> filePath)
result ← try $ readTextFile enc filePath
cb $ either (\err → rej $ show err)
(\success → res success)
pure $ nonCanceler
app :: TaskE String Unit
app = do
readFile_ UTF8 pathToFile
# map newContents
# chain (\x → writeFile_ UTF8 pathToFile x)
-- | Main.purs (excerpt) main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log "\nTut13 - Async Read/Write file example"
void $ launchAff $
fork (\e → AC.log $ "error: " <> e)
(\_ → AC.log $ "success")

We covered reading a file, including regular expressions, back in Tutorial4. So hopefully, some parts look familiar to you. However, let’s go over the final argument in the type signature for readFile_. For all effects e, return a TaskE that is parameterized by an exception of type String, and a successful result of type String (i.e., the text from the file). The new pieces are newTask and the lambda function cb (denoted \cb -> ...), which represents our callback. There's also nonCanceler and the rej & res functions, which I'll cover in a bit.

First, note that the entire callback cb and pure $ nonCanceler are wrapped in a newTask. After logging a debugging message to the console, the callback attempts to read the file using try. If successful, then try returns the text from the file, wrapped it in a Right constructor. Otherwise, if there's an exception, then it wraps the Error in a Left constructor.

The either function takes the result, and if it's a Left constructor (i.e., the read file failed) then the computation in the first argument is executed. In this case, it turns Error into a String using show and finally passes the error to the rej function. Otherwise, execute the computation in either's second argument, passing the file's text to the res function.

What’s left about the newTask signature to discuss is the Canceler, which tells the function how to clean up after the async computation. For example, if an asynchronous process is killed and an asynchronous action is pending, then a canceler is called to clean up. In our case, we don't have any elaborate asynchronous processes, so we provide newTask with the nonCanceler function. As you may suspect, this function provides newTask with a canceler that doesn't cancel anything. Behind the scenes, newTask is just a synonym for makeaff from the purescript-aff library. However, I also compose makeAff with the ExceptT monad for the reasons I explained above.

The function app mimics the sequence of actions from Brian's video. For the sake of brevity, I've left out newContents and writeFile_, so be sure to check out my repository for the full listing. I should mention, that we don't need chain because there's an equivalent in PureScript called bind. We'll cover it when we get into monads later in the series. However, in the meantime, I decided to add chain to help you follow along with Brian's JavaScript example.

As Brian mentions, we don’t want to log success somewhere buried deep within our function. So I’ve delegated the honors to our main module, by importing fork from Control.Monad.Task. One thing to mention is, in my fork function, I'm using Control.Monad.Aff.Console.log to log a failure or success to the console because it's being performed asynchronously within the Aff monad.


In this tutorial and Tutorial12, we modeled the Task API from Folktale.js in PureScript using asynchronous actions and the continuation passing style respectively. In all honesty, given all the functionality that is present already in `purescript-aff``, it’s debatable whether a Task API is necessary. However, for me, it was certainly a good exercise in asynchronous programming, and I hope it is for you. Finally, if you have any questions about some of the functions in Task.purs then don’t hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below.

Once again, whether or not you’re finding these tutorials helpful in making the leap from JavaScript to PureScript then give me a clap, drop me a comment, or post a tweet. My twitter handle is @adkelley. I believe any feedback is good feedback and helpful toward making these tutorials better in the future. That’s all for this blog post. Till next time, when I introduce the exciting topic of Functors.


Principled, Painless Asynchronous Programming in PureScript — John Degoes

Async Programming in PureScript — Nate Faubion, LA PureScript Meetup 12/05/17



Alex Kelley

I work on technologies that simplify the creation and enjoyment of web applications.