We cannot afford to be complacent

Nicolas Hatton
3 min readSep 19, 2016


We held our second public meeting last Sunday and firstly, I wanted to thank the speakers, the volunteers and the members of the public who attended this wonderful event.

The overall message from the speakers and from the audience was that we couldn’t afford to be complacent if we wanted to ensure our rights would be preserved in the event of Brexit.

A new pressure group joined forces with immigration lawyers and Home Office experts to urge EU citizens in the UK to apply for residency.

The3million was created by French consular delegate Nicolas Hatton and aimed to protect the rights of EU citizens in the UK.

There is an understandable level of apathy given the uncertainty surrounding Brexit but Nicolas Hatton urged EU citizens to plan for the worst outcome: “This is one lesson from the referendum where nobody actually planned for the aftermath.”

Nicolas Hatton was joined by Alison Harvey, Legal Director of ILPA (Immigration Law Practitioner Association), Baroness Janke of The House of Lords, Nigel Costley, regional secretary of the TUC (Trades Union Congress) and others in calls to respect the rights of EU citizens currently living in Britain and to simplify the application process for residency.

Baroness Janke echoed concerns about the lack of government representation for the three million EU residents in the UK. “There are going to be barriers and huge amounts of paperwork — this will affect our lives significantly.”

The3million would like to see a simpler system than the current 85-page (non-mandatory) application form for recognition of permanent residence under EU law. The ILPA suggested a standstill clause from the date of leaving the EU whereby current rights will be guaranteed.

“European nationals have not had to pass immigration controls and many are unaware of the technicalities surrounding their stay in the UK”, explained Alison Harvey. She added that there isn’t the same uncertainty for British citizens in other EU countries, because the European immigration policy describes minimum standards on how non-EU citizens should be treated. The UK, together with Ireland and Denmark, opted out of the policy.

Spokespeople from business, diplomacy and trade unions welcomed the chance to work with The3million to fight for rights currently protected by the EU. Not only will non-British EU citizens living in the UK lost the protective layer of European legislation but employment rights protected by the EU are also under threat.
“Britain’s deregulated labour market leaves vulnerable workers open to exploitation. Don’t blame migrants, blame the employer who abuses them” said Nigel Costley.

An unwelcome result of Brexit could be a weakening of workers’ rights. Nigel Costley said The TUC wanted a skills system for both higher and vocational education — “so people feel less threatened by agency workers and cheap labour.”

Anglo-French entrepreneur Patricia Connell re-affirmed the role of The3million and other organisations to fill the void left by the government’s lack of direction. Encouraged by David Cameron to attract more French businesses to the UK Connell talked about the importance to preserve what made Britain great: creating companies, businesses and wealth.

Originally published on 18/09/2016 in the3million email newsletter (sign up)

About the3million
The3million is an organisation for EU citizens living in the UK and British Europhiles.
It offers practical guidance, lobbies government to protect the rights of EU citizens in the UK and engages with businesses and public sector organisations on the issues of EU citizenship.

Contact: Nicolas Hatton, founder.
E: nicolas.hatton@gmail.com

Website: www.the3million.org.uk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/The3Million/
Twitter: @The3Million

