We Must Inherit the Sundowning World of the Baby Boomers

This isn’t right. This isn’t right, at all

Black Cat
The Weird Politics Review


As I am writing this, the democratic party’s debate is finishing up. Despite all his past documented difficulties, Joe seems to have held up through the debate — whatever drugs they pumped him full of to make him lucid seem to have worked. It has held out tonight — will it hold out in the general election?

I’m watching a dozen different videos of Joe Biden slowly forgetting everything. I feel conflicted. He has materially hurt me, helping to make it impossible for me to discharge my student loans in bankruptcy.

Still, I can’t quite find it in me to hate the man — there is less and less man left to hate. He is dissolving before us, as his minders drug and shove him on — as his supporters deny that any such thing could be happening — as we, the sane, point out that the old man is unwell. We are watching his mind melt on live TV — shouldn’t everyone be allowed to decline with dignity? And isn’t it undignified for us, that we should so openly look upon this? It feels…



Black Cat
The Weird Politics Review

I write about neurodivergence, anarchism, market socialism, economics, accelerationism, and science fiction.