What Is A Mobile Mining Unit?

The physical prerequisite for most blockchain applications is the globally distributed network of miners who provide the hardware for the energy-intensive calculations of algorithms securing blockchain transactions.

3 min readNov 13, 2017

Mining depends on easy and scalable access to low-cost electricity — a bottleneck in a market that is currently growing from two to 20 billion USD over the next five years.

Envion has discovered the world’s most profitable and environmentally-friendly crypto infrastructure to date. The discovery is decentralized self-expanding crypto infrastructure that is hosted in mobile, modular CSC containers. This smart global network of satellite-connected modular crypto-mining units transform energy into crypto assets right at the source.

Traditional cryptocurrency mining facilities we see today are centralized. They have issues that are inherent with stationary fixed locations, such as unstable power supply, hardware shortage and governmental issues. Unlike these facilities, Envion’s mobile mining units are “plug-and-play” ready for deployment upon connection to standard 32A power lines at any energy source and start mining within three minutes. For this reason, they can access the world’s lowest priced energy sources.

If energy prices are rising in one location, you can just move your miners to an entirely different city, country or even continent — wherever you can find the cheapest energy.

The mining units are all remotely managed and monitored by Envion’s proprietary software solution, connected to one global and decentralized network. The global smart control network performs real-time optimizations and prediction of target cryptocurrencies, controls the mobile mining units self-optimization routines and optimizes hardware lifecycles. The real-time data feed ensures optimal operation of the units.

A patent-pending cooling system which allows for unprecedented power usage efficiencies of 1.02 anywhere in the world are also featured with the units- they are 40 times more efficient than traditional data centers. AC cooling cost makes up 50% of total energy costs of regular data-centers. Our patent-pending air-flow system creates an extremely low atmospheric pressure within our mining units that blasts our hardware with fresh air from our specially designed cooling system.

Due to its mobility, efficiency and low-cost of building, the mining units are indefinitely scalable. The decentral concept allows smart usage of small to mid-sized power hubs.

Due to the huge decrease in pricing associated with solar panels, there is a significant expansion of new photovoltaic plants worldwide, which results in unprecedented local overcapacities, as well as very low, decreasing feed-in tariffs for the power-plant owners, forcing some of them to work unprofitable at 0.02 USD/kWh.

Mobile mining units are the perfect solution to address these overcapacities. In fact, we pay power plants and other energy hubs for letting us use their otherwise unused local overcapacities. These overcapacities can be tapped by Envion’s mining containers on-demand. We make the most out of unused renewable and other energy sources. Historically, electricity overcapacities have been inaccessible and useless. Even the smallest overcapacity at a decentral transformer station (>50 KW) can be efficiently used by our units.

Current MMU’s are located in the Berlin Area within a large industrial building. Mining within the building is heating the complete warehouse-style hall — saving them already a lot of heating expenses.

Envion’s pricing goal is .03 USD/kWh. Envion’s mobility concept provides access to otherwise inaccessible local electricity “hot spots” at record-low costs.

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE





The Swiss Cantonal Court of Zug has dissolved envion AG and ordered its liquidation. Official information can be found on https://www.envion-konkurs.ch/