Why VCs Love SaaS Businesses

Daniel Li
The Startup
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2020


A couple weeks ago, I shared a chart with the stock performance of recent tech IPOs along with this tweet:

there are two dominant startup models in tech today. (1) You can make money selling software. (2) You can lose money selling anything else.

Lots of people wrote back, and one person pointed out that a better metric to look at (than stock price) would be revenue vs. capital raised. He also pointed me to this fantastic TechCrunch article with the data, so here is a closer look at the efficiency of different businesses models, thanks to Boris!



Daniel Li
The Startup

Founder of Plus, a tool to help people easily capture, see, and share data. Formerly a VC at Madrona Venture Group. Writing about startups and investing