Your five product management snacks #8

Olivier Courtois
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2020


Hey there 👋

1️⃣ Discovery — Judgement • Sept 2020 • 5 min read
A must-read by Marty Cagan on how to use judgement during product discovery to invest just enough time and progress faster: “I think (…) that so many product people have been led to believe (and wish to believe) that there’s a framework or template for everything. But product is very much about judgement” #thinkinginbets

2️⃣ Product Judgment: How some people can repeatedly create product success • Jun 2020 • 16 min read
The definitive guide to understand how to develop better product judgement by Intercom. Some key learnings: intuition only comes from talking directly to users (don’t delegate this) & is domain specific (there is no one size fits all solution, know your limits). Nevertheless, beware of the leaders that pretend to use it only as a way to dictate their roadmap #productsense

3️⃣ The evolution of HEY • Jun 2020 • 4 min read
If you have been paying attention, you certainly know that I find Basecamp very inspiring (even if I don’t think their example is to be reproduced by everyone). Leveraging their unique position, a little bit like Apple, they are able to work in secret on opinionated products for a very long time, displaying some serious product judgement. Discover in this article how they spent 2+ years on Hey (their email service) before launching the first version. FYI, I tried Hey but it wasn’t for me. Have you? #productculture #noMVP

4️⃣ Chat Bubble Blindness • Jul 2020 • 3 min read
A simple UX change that led to 62% more chat conversations. Working on a SaaS product, I especially find it interesting because I fear our users are suffering from chat bubble blindness too (but chat is sometimes their last hope to find guidance). I also really like how Notion hides the chat behind their static help menu, so elegant! #productdesign

5️⃣ Nail Your Product Manager Resume • Apr 2019 • 7 min read
12 tips to improve your resume. I don’t agree with everything (but anyway I almost never read resumes). My 2cts: don’t explain to the recruiter what is product management (aka generic description of product management tasks), but what you can bring to the table. A resume is never about what you did but what you want to do (it’s an ad of you) #hiring

I’m Olivier Courtois, 10y+ product thinker, now freelance / coach, Startup advisor, former VP Product comet & Product Director ManoMano.

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Olivier Courtois

10y+ in Product, now freelance / coach / advisor • Newsletter at • ex- VP-Product comet & Product Director ManoMano