Quick update

Today I added a course to the CS-WD and WD-CS guides.

P1xt’s Blog
1 min readOct 11, 2017


My intention has always been to include all of the “How to Code” series of courses (available on edX) in the longer guides. They are just fantastic. The fourth in the series became available this week so I’ve added it in the appropriate place in the guides. (The fifth will be available in January 2018.)

Note: though these courses feature prominently as one of the building blocks for the computer science portions of my guides, they are fantastic whether you work up to them via the guide or just jump right in. I can’t recommend them enough. If you want to up your computer science game, but don’t want to be bothered with some huge guide, you wouldn’t go wrong just taking these courses — the series is amazing — it will make you a better programmer no matter what your current level.

Links to the series (published to date):

