Who’s up for a challenge?

I am. It’s speedrun time!

P1xt’s Blog
1 min readJun 7, 2018


Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

freeCodeCamp released it’s new curriculum recently. I finally got my stylus settings to where the new platform isn’t actively annoying. So — I’m going to try the new curriculum out — challenge-style.

My profile is reset.

You can find it here: P1xt’s Profile

I’ve made my profile public through the weekend even though typically I don’t because FCC is ridiculously awful about privacy.

The challenge:

How fast can I (or you) finish the new freeCodeCamp curriculum (to a decent standard, with the projects built out with enough quality that you wouldn’t be embarrassed if a potential employer saw them.)

The rules:

  • start from a clean slate (reset profile)
  • don’t half-ass the projects
  • make note of your start and end dates
  • do every single lesson, every project, every thing on the map, in order (unless a particular lesson is bugged)

Start whenever you want. I am starting right this minute (Thursday June 7, 2018 at 5:42 pm local time). I’ll follow up post with progress and do a comprehensive post when I finish. In the meantime, you can see my progress on my profile (linked above).

