
From Jazmine Cloughley PA to General Counsel at Smiths Group plc

#PAEventTips — tips for PAs 


  1. A good PA is good at planning and organising things on a general day to day basis, so this is nothing unfamiliar to them, it should come as second nature.
  2. A PA should always be at least one or two steps ahead of the person they are supporting and anticipating things is very important.
  3. Detail, timing, planning and anticipation are vital. It is often also helpful if the PA him/herself has attended an event and know what they expect as a delegate and then understand better what to look out for when they are organising it.
  4. I have attended very good conferences and try to replicate the professionalism for the events I organise. If I attend an event which I am organising myself, then I can run it and be there as a PA as well, which also works very well.



#PAEventTips — tips for PAs 

Self confessed Venue Geeks who love to find the perfect venue for your event - large or small. Helen even takes her laptop into the bath to find new venues!