#WhyImWithHer—Karen DiLossi, Philadelphia

Hillary for Pennsylvania
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2016

In 2016, there is only one possible candidate who is going to get my vote in November. This November, I will be with Hillary Clinton 100 percent.

Karen, her husband and their son Elijah

Back in the ’90s, I was studying theater and becoming an artist. During that time, my husband and I weren’t even thinking about the son that we would have — he was only an inkling of a glimmer in our eyes. We became professional theater artists. I had a full time job, but it paid very little, and my husband was a freelancer. He worked but he didn’t get paid a lot.

We couldn’t afford insurance. The daycare costs were already as much as our mortgage. We’d already stretched things as much as we could and we found ourselves applying for CHIP. We were able to get it at a really, really reasonable rate.

Little did we know that nine months into his little life, our son would need a surgery that would greatly affect his adult life. All I remember is this small, tiny little boy in his purple scrubs jumping up and down in the hospital bed before he finally fell asleep, and then they took him down a long, cold hallway.

We didn’t know what to think and we didn’t know what would happen to him and how it would turn out. We had amazing doctors and a wonderful hospital staff give us the thumbs up when they came out telling us it was going to be okay. When he woke up and saw me after his surgery, he said his first word: “Momma.” He was in so much pain, but he was going to be okay. I shudder to think what would have happened if we couldn’t afford insurance.

When my husband and I were young artists in the ’90s, Hillary Clinton wasn’t thinking about herself. She was thinking about me. She was thinking about my son. She was thinking about people she’s never met. Because of her efforts, we were able to get insurance for my son when he needed it most.

That is one of many reasons I’m voting for her this November. I can’t wait to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. #ImWithHer”

Karen DiLossi and her son Elijah



Hillary for Pennsylvania
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