Pennsylvanians Champion Unity After Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton

Hillary for Pennsylvania
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2016
Senator Bernie Sanders and Secretary Hillary Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on July 12, 2016.

Following U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, Pennsylvanians across the state championed unity against Donald Trump’s divisive and dangerous candidacy and behind Clinton and Sanders’ shared vision for an America that is stronger together, with an economy that works for everyone — not just those at the top. This week, Hillary for Pennsylvania held “Pennsylvania Together” organizing events with volunteers and supporters of both Clinton and Sanders throughout the Keystone State to showcase their united front and their commitment to supporting Democrats up and down the ballot in November.

Take a look at some of the coverage of how Pennsylvania Democrats are uniting across the state…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

“…Clinton didn’t just garner the backing of her longtime Democratic rival. She also could lay claim to backing from folks like Braddock Mayor John Fetterman, a high-profile Sanders supporter with considerable cache among younger voters…Mr. Fetterman identifies himself as ‘a proud former Bernie supporter,’ but says there is ‘far too much at stake in this election to stand on the sidelines, and I would urge anyone that you really need to get behind Secretary Clinton in this race.’”

Beaver County Times:

“Coleman Leggett, a 22-year-old Florida native… was initially a Sanders supporter up until a few months ago. Leggett said the supposed political divide between Clinton and Sanders has been greatly exaggerated. ‘More or less, Sen. Sanders and Hillary Clinton have more in common than people give them credit for,’ he said… ‘This is the most progressive platform and the most progressive campaign the Democrats have seen in recent years,’ Leggett said. Young people like him who energized Sanders’ campaign also should be excited to back Clinton in the general election, Leggett said. ‘All that passion and energy can be united in a common purpose,’ he said. ‘They proved that this country is hungry for a more progressive society.’”

KYW Newsradio:

“Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is expected to pick up an important endorsement Tuesday morning in New Hampshire: Her fiercest primary rival, Bernie Sanders. But will that persuade Sanders voters to join her camp? ‘I’m supporting Hillary Clinton because of where I live and where I live is in the real world,’ said Lou Agre, a proud and dedicated Bernie Sanders delegate. The 21st ward leader says, he will be an enthusiastic Clinton voter. ‘The two scariest words I can think of right now are ‘President Trump,’ so I think it’s important that we set all the differences aside, look at what we all agree on and go forward in November,’ he said.”

Williamsport Sun-Gazette:

“Delegate Ardis Mason says she’s glad Democrats are ‘slowly turn the Democratic Party back into a party of the people rather than a party of corporations.’ Delegate Munley commends Sanders on his political success during his campaign, but said he will ultimately vote for Clinton. ‘I thought Mrs. Clinton had far more experience than Sen. Sanders,’ Munley said. ‘I thought she had a pretty good idea of how the whole system worked.’”

Pittsburgh City Paper:

“Mayor Fetterman, alongside local Democratic Party officials and candidates, longtime Clinton supporters and Sanders supporters, rallied at the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers building on the South Side to support Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. ‘There’s far too much at stake to have hurt feelings,’ Fetterman said. Fetterman’s wife, Gisele — who is a pledged Sanders delegate and will vote for him at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this month — echoed her husband that a third-party vote would just go to Trump: ‘I love my country more than any one candidate.’”


“U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont caught up with his supporters Tuesday by finally offering his endorsement of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton… Later in the day, some of Sanders’ more high-profile convention delegates weighed in on the Vermont senator’s endorsement. In statements provided by Clinton’s Pennsylvania campaign, this is what they had to say… Cheryl Marshall, a Sanders delegate from Columbia County, said Clinton will fight for such key issues as ‘raising the minimum wage, lowering the cost of college and making health care more affordable.’ ‘Pennsylvanians must do everything we can to defeat Donald Trump in November and ensure he doesn’t get anywhere close to the White House,” she said.’”


Braddock Mayor John Fetterman was a strong Bernie Sanders supporter, but he now supports Hillary Clinton. He told the ‘KDKA Morning News’ why is putting all of his support behind Clinton. ‘You have the choice of somebody like Hillary Clinton versus someone like Donald Trump…there really is only once choice and that’s Hillary Clinton,’ he said. ‘I understand there are a lot of the Bernie [Sanders] supporters who are disappointed, but to sit this one out is the equivalent of voting for Donald Trump.’”

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

“John Fetterman, the colorful Mayor of Braddock, drives home his support for Hillary Clinton in a video this morning that underscores the efforts the Clinton campaign has made to bring unity to the Democratic party… [Fetterman] says that as a former proud supporter of Bernie Sanders he was happy now to be with Clinton in her quest for the presidency. ‘As a father of three young children, and a proud former Bernie supporter, there is far too much at stake in this election to stand on the sidelines, and I would urge anyone that you really need to get behind Secretary Clinton in this race.’”

Telemundo 62:

“Campañas presidenciales llueven en Pensilvania Sondeo coloca a Pensilvania como estado decisivo en elección presidencial el próximo noviembre, ya que aquí la disputa va cada vez más rendida.”



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