Pennsylvanians: Trump Running Mate Mike Pence Divisive, Extreme

Hillary for Pennsylvania
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2016

Pennsylvania leaders are sharing why they are appalled by Donald Trump’s decision to double down on some of his most disturbing traits and beliefs and choose a divisive, extreme running mate in Indiana Governor Mike Pence:

“Mike Pence said ‘I was Tea Party before it was cool,’ and as his colleague in Congress, I saw firsthand Pence’s divisiveness and backwards views. Pence is as dangerous as Trump: he personally spearheaded an anti-LGBT law that led businesses to slam his leadership, and he signed into law an unconstitutional bill to restrict women’s health care choice. This extreme ticket would be a disaster for families in Pennsylvania, which is why we must work even harder to make Hillary Clinton our next president,” said Congressman Bob Brady.

“With the Pence announcement, Trump has demonstrated he’s willing to double down on an extremist agenda that will punish the middle class and mock middle class values. Rather than a statesman who would work to solve problems, Mike Pence was one of the most extreme Members of Congress, and now is the most extreme choice for a running mate in a generation. While in Congress, Pence opposed raising the minimum wage and voted for tax cuts for those at the top. His utter disregard for the middle class and those starting out in life was appalling to me. Working families in Pennsylvania can’t afford the divisive agenda of Donald Trump and Mike Pence,” said former Congressman Chris Carney.

“Mike Pence is the most extreme vice presidential pick in recent memory. He fought to defund Planned Parenthood which led to clinics closing in Indiana, and when he was in Congress, he even said he would shut down the government to defund Planned Parenthood. He also signed into law one of the most restrictive reproductive rights laws in the country, which a federal judge blocked from going into effect. Donald Trump and Mike Pence would be disastrous for women and their families in the Keystone State, and we cannot allow them into the White House,” said Nancy Patton Mills, Chair of the Allegheny County Democratic Committee.



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