Interview with Paulina Stasikowska

Joyce Ter Horst
Paard Verzameld
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2019

Her exquisite style is minimalistic, transparent and unique. With a few lines and hints of colour she is the perfect example of less is more. Polish artist Paulina Stasikowska is somewhat of an enigma. Many people are familiar with her art, as it is widely published and very recognizable. But not so much is known about the artist herself. I got to ask Paulina on what drives and motivates her.

At what age did you become interested in art?
‘I was born in 1988 in Sosnowiec, Poland. I graduated a high school and had plans to be a veterinary, but changed my mind and decided to be a teacher. I had never thought about going to art school , even though many people suggested it to me. I started drawing when I was five-years old. I have been painting many things, my favourite being Barbie dolls and animals.

I practiced drawing every day and the objects of my painting interests changed from Barbie dolls to the cartoon characters and other animals.When I was ten maybe eleven I began to draw horses. It was during the holidays that I spent in the mountains. I remember this very clearly.’

What makes the horse such an inspirational subject to you
I have always liked animals, because I grew up around them. When I was a little child I dreamed about riding a horse, but it was quite expensive. I was living in the city and in those days horse riding was not so popular and hard to find stables in the outskirts of the city. I remember that the only stable was very far away from my home and I was ashamed to ask my parents to visit this place. Probably due to the fact that I could not see horses on a daily basis, I started trying to strive for perfection. In my opinion, horses are amazing animals. Their power and delicacy make them unique. It probably impresses me the most. In spite of me being older now and being a horse owner, every time I see these animals I feel excitement — This feeling is unique.’

How did you develop yourself over the years?
‘I started drawing in times when not everyone had access to the internet, so I used mainly books that I found in the library. Then I started to look at other artists on the internet. It was a magical time. I could watch the work of people from abroad and explore the secrets of my passion.

I have never participated in painting courses. I was interested in painting mainly horses and that was the only topic I wanted to master then. I learned everything from my mistakes. i don’t regret that. It taught me a lot of patience and perseverance in pursuing my goal. It was not an easy road, but I hope I have developed my own unique style without any influence from outside. Nowadays I paint not only horses, but other animals too. However, horses will always remain my beloved subject.’

What is your favorite memory involving horses?
‘I have so many memories involving horses. The most beautiful memory is the time when I bought a horse. Since then, I have been constantly gathering nice memories related to my mare and our adventures.’

What are your sources of inspiration, people you look up to and admire?
‘My main source of inspiration is my mare Bonita. I always say that she inspires me to draw. Time which I spend with her makes me happy and gives an energy to create new paintings and drawings.’

‘I have two favourite artists from Poland and still trying to buy their art pieces from time to time. They use vivid colors and looking at their paintings I feel they are full of inspiration and paint with a great passion!’

Thank you so much Paulina for sharing your story with us. You can find out more on Paulina and her work by visiting her Facebook page or Instagram account.

Joyce Ter Horst

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All artwork courtesy of Paulina Stasikowska. Photo courtesy of Rudy Visuals.

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