Joyce Ter Horst
Paard Verzameld
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2019


The artist at work in her studio.

Mihaela Georgieva

Art has been an essential part of Mihaela Georgieva’s (1989) life ever since she was five years old. A life necessity, like breathing or as she puts it herself, providing the fuel for her mind and soul. Her desire to study art and to develop as an artist led her to a Bachelor degree in Pedagogy of Fine arts from the University of Veliko Turnovo in Bulgaria. Since then she participated in art competitions and joint exhibition throughout Europe.

‘After every one of my riding lessons, I sat down and sketched the horses. Wanting to seal the strong connection I felt between a horse and a rider, capturing every moment and the flames in their eyes.’

Work and photos courtesy of Mihaela Gorgieva

Her passion for horses, catching the movement and dynamic of these wonderful creatures was reinforced through years spend specializing in equine art. It’s no surprise that Mihaela held her first solo exhibition on this subject at the age of thirteen! She now has more than twenty years of experience, capturing the horse on her canvas, combining old fine art techniques with her own new and unique style using layers of oils.

‘This is my way to show you how my heart flies every time I paint a horse.’

Work and photos courtesy of Mihaela Gorgieva

Mihaela is based in Belgium where she shares her life with her partner and young son. You’ll find more on Mihaela’s art, information on upcoming art exhibitions and how to get in touch with her on her website or follow her on Facebook.


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