Mirelle Vegers

Joyce Ter Horst
Paard Verzameld
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2019


It’s been a long wait, but look at the outcome! Dutch equine artist and Paard Verzameld Collective member Mirelle Vegers features in this month’s Bit magazine, where I interview an equine artists on his or hers three favorite works. And Mirelle picked out an absolute cracking top three! No surprise it features some reference photos by photographer Nikki de Kerf, seeing they have had a close working relationship for years.

Bit magazine is now available at your selected bookstore and magazine shop. Or else, order your own copy online.


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Copyright © 2019 by J. Ter Horst/Paard Verzameld. All rights reserved. Paard Verzameld platform for equine art ®, Paard Verzameld Collective® are registered trademarks. All rights reserved, 2019.

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