MK Gallery( UK), Whistlejacket by George Stubbs, Mauritshuis (the Hague, the Netherlands)

Paard Verzameld goes to Britain

Joyce Ter Horst
Paard Verzameld
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2019


On behalf of the Mauritshuis museum (home of ‘Girl with a pearl earring’)
I have been invited to go to the MK Gallery, Milton Keynes, England to visit their upcoming exhibition on George Stubbs.

George Stubbs: ‘all done from Nature’ presents the first significant overview of this renowned eighteenth century artist-scientist in Britain for more than 30 years. The exhibition brings together 80 paintings, drawings and publications from the National Gallery’s life-size portrait of the stallion Whistlejacket to pieces never previously seen in public.

Read more on George Stubbs : all done from Nature’ here.

The Mauritshuis museum in the Hague, is bringing a version of this expo to the Netherlands in 2020 and invited ten journalists on a press day to spread the word on this upcoming, unique event!

I can’t tell you what this means to me to be recognized in this way.
Be prepared for a lot of George Stubbs content in the weeks to come!

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