Joyce Ter Horst
Paard Verzameld
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2019


Sita van Hoorn

This is Pilar, a Pyrenees mountain horse also known as Merens, born and raised in the French Pyrenees. Pilar was excavated last year by Dutch taxidermist Sita van Hoorn, who initially only wanted to try and retrieve the impressive equine skull.

What is striking about Pilar is the color of her bones. The copper color was created by the copper-containing soil in the Pyrenees. What makes the skeleton even more special are the abnormalities that now come to light. For example, she misses a rib on one side of her last rib-bearing vertebrae.

Pilars bones are treated professionally, this means that they are completely cleaned and now preserved for eternity.

Joyce Ter Horst

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