Hindi Language Learning Strategies

What impact do learning styles and learning strategies have on language learning? What is the difference between learning styles and learning strategies?

Here are a few learning strategies which can be applied in the language learning classrooms:

1- Listen and read along to understand Hindi better.

2- Record your voice and compare your pronunciation with native Hindi speakers.

3- Listen to the Hindi conversation.

4- Repeat the phrases that you hear out loud again and again.

5- Review old lessons to master them completely.

6- Improve your listening skills by reviewing each line of conversation.

7- Stay motivated by tracking your learning progress.

8- Read lines slowly at first, the re-read and increase your speed.

9- Associate new information with a mental or printed picture to help you learn it.

10- Think about what you already know about a topic to help you learn more about it (meta-cognitive strategy).

11- Relate new concepts to your own life, that is, to your experiences, knowledge, beliefs and feelings (memory related strategy).

12- Apply your linguistic knowledge of other languages (including native language) to the Hindi language.

13- Think of similar word or descriptive phrase for words you do not know in the Hindi Language.

14- Act out and/or imagine yourself in different roles in the Hindi language.

15- Manipulate real objects as you use the Hindi language.

16- Use or create visual representations (Cognitive strategy- such as Diagrams, Timeline, charts, making notes etc.) of important relationships between content.

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