New Podcast: Introducing Envoy Office Hacks!

Pacific Content
Pacific Content
Published in
3 min readFeb 29, 2016

Who are you and what do you do at Envoy?

I am Hollie Wegman and I run marketing at Envoy.

What is Envoy?

Envoy is the visitor registration product that is changing how visitors are greeted in workplaces around the world. Modern businesses are getting rid of paper sign-in books and using Envoy to provide a seamless, iPad based guest sign-in experience. Envoy Visitor Registration automates badge printing, host notifications, and legal agreements which makes for a more secure and enjoyable guest visit. And, with the Envoy Passport smartphone app visitors can quickly auto-sign via smartphone at any location using Envoy. We are currently in 2.4K locations in 55 countries worldwide.

Who are some of the companies that use Envoy?

Envoy is used by some of today’s most exciting brands including: Box, Pinterest, Pandora, GoPro and Yelp.

Why did Envoy decide to launch a podcast?

At Envoy, we’re super focused on customer experience and we think a lot about how to make all our customer interactions informative, but also fun and helpful. A lot of us on the Envoy team listen to podcasts and really love them. So the format was intriguing to us for telling the stories of our customers and other innovators around the world.

What’s the podcast about and what’s the relation to Envoy?

The podcast is about Office Hacks. We spend a ton of time talking with our customers and discovering all the fun ways they make the office more efficient. Our visitor registration product fits into that, but they were also doing all kinds of innovative things to solve other office problems. There were all these great tips and tricks or “hacks” that people use to make things work and that’s what we wanted to capture with our podcast. Many of the things are irreverent or clever in ways that we felt would lend well to the short-form podcast format. That’s sort of how it all started.

What kinds of Office Hacks can listeners expect to hear in the podcast?

We’ve got all kinds of things from the boardroom/ping-pong table to rolling conference rooms and from indoor ski villages to our own robotic sales gong. It’s amazing all the clever and interesting things people are doing in their offices.

Who would love to listen to this podcast?

So secretly we have previewed this podcast (shhhhh….) with lots of our friends and family. We’ve found that it’s appealing to lots of different people from different walks of life and with varied interests. But broadly, it appeals to people who are always thinking of ways to make things better, but in non-conventional ways.

How long is it and how often does it come out?

The podcasts are between 3–5 minutes long and come out weekly.

What are Envoy’s goals for the podcast?

We want to tell share the stories of some of the ingenious hacks out there that no one otherwise would have known about. We want to inspire other innovators and let everyone in on the fun.

If listeners have great story ideas for Office Hacks, where should they send them?!

Big finish — why should I listen to this podcast and where can I subscribe?

If you are always thinking about how to fix things and make them better at work, this podcast is for you. Go to iTunes today and subscribe, or share your hacks on Twitter #officehacks

Originally published at on February 29, 2016.

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