Nature’s Color Palette: An exploration of Chemistry between Sunlight and the Earth

Veera Thiruppal
Pacific Traveller
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2020

Color is an emotion in our life; Each color triggers and reflects distinct feelings within us. The earth plays a canvas for an unknown artist with the most beautiful, stunning, and energetic colors in all its elements. We see it in plants, animals, birds, landscapes, and life!

We see them, we feel them, and we emote! All of this, only when the Sun passes light into it. Can we otherwise see the beautiful colors and nature’s art without sunlight? The truth is NO! All the artificial lights stand nowhere in line, equating to what nature offers to us.

As I understand the reality, a question strikes, how does Sunlight make the most beautiful colors in nature?

My journey of learning in the lap of Mother Nature

We all know the science that, the real color of the light is white, and that sunlight is nothing but a mixture of seven colors. Those seven colors are VIBGYOR standing for Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. You can see these colors by experimenting with a Newton’s Light Spectrum Experiment.

Sunlight Emotions

I was more eager to know, how sunlight is creating all the colors in the natural world. This got me on my quest, and I walked into the forest as a student of Mother Nature and spent a whole day there, exploring and learning.

I will now share with you all, what nature teaches us, and some mind-blowing colors showcased by her.

The landscape of changing colors

The time is 8.30 AM, Sunlight falls softly into the water. The water starts to reflect the creative and shape-changing clouds. We see a beautiful pattern with a combination of the sky’s blue and leaf’s green. Just when my eyes moved 30°, the entire art changed into a green pasture, with multiple color shades, all of them reflections of plants.

Combination of the sky’s blue and leaf’s green.

The floating bright green painting

Not stopping in awe of the changing colors, I restarted my journey. It was around 11 AM. I felt thirsty and stopped to quench my thirst. There was a sudden whip of refreshment and peace within.

What I saw, was a bright green reflection of nature, just like a beautiful oil painting, with water as the art board. At that moment with Sunrays flowing in at 60°, my sight of the art, remained a relaxing straight line. I felt an immense connection with nature, at this moment. The below picture not only reflects beautiful greens but also my rainbow of emotions.

Bright green reflection

The glossy blue oil paint with stone art

It was hot noon, and sunlight hits at a straight 90° on my head. This was when the time I saw the Glossy Oil paint, crafted by nature with some intrinsic stone patterns. This made me realize, what makes the magic miracles is the angle of eyesight and the sunlight together. I could only see this, with my head down and not even with a slight tilt. See this for yourself.

Glossy Oil Paint with Stone Art

The Nature’s abstract art of colors and patterns

I want to call this imperfectly perfect! The feel of broken pieces. Yellow texture material and small bubbles gave me a feel of the abstract in nature. The colors are boosted and glowing while sunlight falls on it. The combination of colors is beyond beautiful. It did not take me long, to realize we take a lot of inspiration from these colors of nature’s genius. They are seen across our lives!

Imperfectly perfect! Nature’s Abstract

Golden wings fly; Glowing its way to glory

Around 4 PM, I decided to return home. Just then, a flash triggered while crossing the flowing water. I stopped for a moment and noticed a golden fly. Sunlight passing through the wings of it, it was glittering and glowing with a bright combination of gold and orange. This was almost the royal sendoff that nature planned for me!

Golden wings fly; Glowing its way to glory

Pacific Traveller Ideation

The relationship between Sunlight and nature creates magic on the Earth. Our color system is working, all based on the light source. It may be sunlight or an artificial light; the final color will change.

Here I only shared a few pictures with innumerable colors, but I also think every person in the universe is a designer with his own creativity and eye to beauty. A design may be an Art, Print, Digital, or a Physical product, every designer needs to consider the light when choosing the colors.

Together let us learn from nature genius and design for people and the planet.

Originally published at



Veera Thiruppal
Pacific Traveller

Naturist | Designer. Learning from Nature and designing for Planet & People.