The disinformation dossier…

New but old: the disinformation pandemic resurrected

Few of those spreading disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic and government attempts to stem it knew what they were resurrecting tactics going back to the Cold War and before.

Russ Grayson


First published: Februrary 2021. Updated December 2022.

I WAS AMAZED. How could otherwise intelligent, seemingly sensible people spread these myths? Most have the benefit of a tertiary education. Yet here they were spreading ideas debunked by people knowledgable in what they commented on. Not only that, they denigrated the expertise of people who had years of training and practical experience. Somehow, they imagined they knew more.

The coronavirus pandemic and government actions to eliminate it brought them out, however the seeds of their disbelief had been planted years, sometimes decades before, in-part by the magical thinking of the New Age and wellness movements. Now, here they were responding to a global disease that couldn’t be diagnosed or cured by a waving quartz crystal over it.

In spreading their disinformation most were probably unaware that they were continuing a long tradition of deception.

They are not skeptics

Mainstream media got it wrong. Just as it erroneously labelled disbelievers in climate change as ‘climate skeptics’, so it labelled the believers in disinformation around the Covid-19 virus as ‘covid skeptics’.

It was a misnomer if ever there was one. Skeptics are open to changing their beliefs when presented with convincing evidence. Most of those propagating disinformation about the Covid-19 virus were fixed in their beliefs. They deserved the name they were later given: Covid deniers.

Using deception, a willingness to believe people who have no background in epidemiology or medicine of any kind and lacking the critical thinking ability so necessary to navigating the information glut of modern times, covid deniers engaged in a type of information warfare whose origin lay back in the early decades of the Twentieth Century.

What is information warfare?

This example of theludicrous claims was made by a well known conspiracy fantasist. There was no text with the graphic to provide evidence that the radio frequency stops humans absorbing oxygen. Neither was any evidence provided that the media refuses to check out the claim. When you see absolutist statements like these you are usually right in assuming they are false. The problem with creating fears around new technologies is that they can hide any real problems that may be present.The claim is presented evidence-free and is designed to sow social distrust and conflict.

Disinformation… misinformation… conspiracy theory… conspiracy fantasy… deception… whatever we call it, it distorts and misleads. Sometimes it is frivolous and has no lasting or damaging effect. At other times it can kill.

First, a few definitions to distinguish what I talk about:

  • disinformation: false information deliberately intended to mislead, disrupt, persuade, damage, inveigle, encourage action, cause disagreement and conflict to polarise public opinion and weaken organisations, institutions and nation states; disinformation originates with nation states and their intelligence organisations, governments, religions, economic interests, community organisations, political groups like the far-right, the anti-science crowd and individuals
  • misinformation: information believed to be true when it is not and that is then spread; the spreading of misinformation may be due to confirmation bias when social media users repost information that supports their beliefs and when groups of friends and acquaintances bounce misleading information back and forth to each other in a reinforcing feedback loop (the ‘echo chamber’ effect)
  • conspiracy theory/conspiracy fantasists: a belief that some covert or overt influential person, government, profession or organisation is responsible for an event, idea, practice or belief; a definition on Psychology Today says: “A conspiracy theory is a non-mainstream explanation for something about our society that involves secret, powerful, and often sinister groups. It’s unsubstantiated, meaning it’s not based on verified facts and it’s often complex. It usually includes negative and dubious beliefs about an ‘other.’”; examples include beliefs around Covid-19 as a hoax, chemtrails, vaccination, the Illuminati, the flat earth, the Rothschilds and other wealthy families, 5G broadband, Bill Gates’ implanting tracking chips in vaccines and more; the problem with fake conspiracy theories is that they confuse public perception of conspiracy theories that are real, such as how Big Tobacco concealed the health effects of smoking or how the CIA experimented with LSD for behaviour modification during the 1960s (MK-ULTRA)
  • information warfare: a collective term describing engagement in influence and disinformation campaigns by government, non-state organisations and individuals
  • cyberwarfare: a collective term for digital attacks on nations, institutions, businesses, infrastructure, social groups, politicians, prominent people, individuals; cyberattacks are often malicious — they intent to do harm to reputation and credibility; cyberwarfare is sometimes defined to include information warfare, hacking, theft of information and intellectual property and ransomware attacks.
  • useful idiot: a derogatory term used to describe a person or organisation that passes on disinformation or supports a cause without fully comprehending the goals of those behind it. Their cooperation may be due to manipulation by the cause’s leaders. They may be victims of their own confirmation bias. The term is believed originate in the Soviet Union where it described non-communists susceptible to communist propaganda and manipulation and who unintentionally helped spread it. Useful idiots describes those who deliberately or unknowingly pass on fake information originating with state-sponsored trolls or conspiracy fantasists.

Disinformation brings destruction, endangers public health

Disinformation leads to destructive action and endangers public health worldwide:

  • a 2019 Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab report on online publishing platform Medium, about the Pakistani government’s polio immunisation program and disinformation spread about it, quoted The New York Times: “unidentified gunmen had killed a health worker and two security personnel accompanying a team of health workers in Chaman; after another health worker was killed by gunmen in the neighboring province of Balochistan on April 25, the Pakistani government was forced to curtail the (polio vaccination) campaign to ensure the safety of the 270,000 workers administering the vaccine”
  • in the Congo, disinformation about ebola led to attacks on hospitals and health care workers; the ebola outbreak in Congo officially began in August 2018 and killed 2264 people; as in the West, evangelical religions are implicated in the spread of disinformation; according to the WHO, Congolese megachurch Pastor Jules Mulindwa said he could create an antidote to the virus by praying over an ordinary bottle of water — “Then you drink it and you’ll be healed, even if you have Ebola”
  • linking low vaccination rates with anti-vaxx sentiment based on misinformation and disinformation about vaccines, in March 2017, Australia’s Daily Telegraph reported 37 new cases of whooping cough in a week in the northern NSW “nerve centre of militant anti-vaxxers and jab-suspicious hippies”, Mullumbimby; “…in April there were 83 cases in children and a total of 152 so far this year in the Northern NSW Health District”; Australian Medical Association president Dr Michael Gonnon said whooping cough rates in Northern NSW were probably much higher than recorded figures because many in the community eschew the GP in favour of alternative practitioners; children on the NSW North Coast have the lowest vaccination rate in the country and “…suffered four times more whooping cough than comparable areas in 2016”
  • an example of how disinformation leads to destructive action was the burning of 5G broadband repeater stations in a number of countries after disinformation linked them to alleged Covid-19 and other health effects.

More recent incidents highlight violence link

Included in the December 2022 update to the 2021 article, the suspected arson of a Telstra 5G tower in Mullumbimby must be documented as an example of how conspiracy fantacists endanger public infrastructure.

In a story headlined 5G tower fire in flood-hit Mullumbimby under NSW police investigation, on March 18 2022 The Guardian reported that “Thousands of flood-affected residents in northern New South Wales could spend days without mobile reception after what federal Labor MP Justine Elliot described as ‘the deliberate burning’ of a Telstra 5G tower”.

The story was also covered by in an article entitled Telstra tower vandalism deprives flood-stricken town of service; the article reported that “Byron Shire local council, whose boundaries include Mullumbimby, has had an active and vocal cohort of anti-5G conspiracy theorists, which led Telstra to temporarily suspend 5G upgrades in the area at the council’s request.”

We must also include the conspiracy fantasies of the three killers of two young police officers, the wounding of another, and the killing of a neighbour farmer in rural western Queensland on December 12 2022. All anti-vaxxers who expressed beliefs like those of the sovereign citizen movement in the US, one of the killers was an avid poster to conspiracy theory social media. The Guardian reported that Gareth Train “…was active on anti-authoritarian websites and forums, where he espoused views that the Queensland Government was running ‘re-education camps’, and that 1996 Port Arthur massacre was a ‘false flag’ operation staged by the government to disarm its citizens.”

The Port Arthur massacre in 1996 was Australia’s deadliest mass shooting. Its legacy was the introduction of gun control laws. The false flag allegation is a conspiracy fantasy that did the rounds over a decade ago and although less frequently heard today, it is evidently still held as a belief among the cohort that has become known as ‘cookers’. The term is a new one derived from the term ‘cook’, as in cuckoo, and includes cospiracy fantacists, anti-vaxxers and their fellow-travellers-in-delusion that came into the Australian lexicon during the 2022 Victorian state election in which the opposition party appeared to court the conspiracy theories vote about state premier Dan Andrews, only to soundly lose the election when voters reaffirmed their support for Andrews and his actions during the pandemic lockdowns.

The ambush of the police officers and their killing became more bizarre when a since-deleted YouTube made by the killers after the shootings and before the arrival of police Special Emergency Response Team surfaced.

It got strange in the days following the shootings when actor Firass Dirani questioned on Instagram whether the ‘Plandemic’ was to blame for poor mental health leading to the shootings.

Humour has a role in combatting disinformation. The graphic refers the Northern Rivers district of NSW, Australia, around the towns of Mullumbimby and Byron Bay that are centres of anti-vaxxination sentiment, Covid-denial, militant anti-5G opposition and, perhaps not coincidentally following revelations of its involvement in the anti-vaxx and covid-denial movement, the wellness industry.

Information warfare — nothing new here

Lying has long been a chosen tactic or people running an ideological, political or economic agenda. The disinformation we see circulating around social media and the internet is really the latest adaptation of something that reaches way back to the opening decades of the Twentieth Century. In those days it was the work of nation state intelligence agencies with geopolitical agendas. Now, their methods have been adopted by conspiracy theorists. The internet is their vector of global contamination.

The myths around vaccination, Covid-19, Covid lockdowns and 5G broadband are examples of information warfare. Paralleling them is government hacking, sabotage and data theft such as the theft of intellectual property from Western military equipment and other corporations and universities by China, to boost its industrial and military expansion.

In 2020, disinformation became a social movement

American graphic designed to appeal to a fearful and gun-toting far-right at the expense of health workers.

Look at photographs of demonstrations of conspiracy fantasists and we see a plethora of placards about Covid, masks, vaccination, lockdowns, 5G, right-libertarian ideas about personal freedom and more. They clearly demonstrate how, by the middle months of 2020, what were previously the beliefs of different groups were being mashed-up to commingle what were previously separate beliefs into the shared but diverse beliefs of what became a social movement. The diverse organisations and participants of the far-right, anti-vaccination, Covid-denial, Bill Gates conspriracy, the Big Pharma conspiracy and others had become their own echo chamber whose beliefs and messages bounced around to reinforce each other and sometimes to stimulate some to participate in demonstrations and, for a few of the more-mentally vulnerable, towards violent action.

By the middle of the 2021 there was a wide range of disinformation circulating online, much of it focused on the Covid-19 pandemic and measures taken by government to stem its spread. The international spread of arch-conspirator, QAnon, succeeded in bringing these different interests together as an informal bloc with a strong online presence in social media.

Disinformation around the virus brought out not only the magical thinking that would have been at home in the New Age (and here) movement of the 1980s and the 1990s, but a whole range of new and ludicrous allegations. These the Covid deniers mashed with existing imaginary and disproven allegations:

  • Bill Gates wants to use vaccines developed for Covid-19 to inject personal tracking devices into people
  • 5G broadband wireless spreads or stimulates Covid-19
  • lockdowns imposed by governments to stem the spread of Covid-19 are not public health precautions but are ways by which governments control us
  • masks to protect others from Covid-19 are a health hazard because they accumulate disease organisms and lead to oxygen starvation and carbon dioxide build-up, and are ineffective
  • personal freedom is more important than public health, wearing masks and social distancing
  • social distancing and lockdowns are unwarranted infringements of personal freedom
  • the Covid-19 virus is not as dangerous or contagious as health authorities claim and is no worse than the common cold
  • the Covid-19 virus and disease does not exist and is a hoax.

These joined existing, long-running beliefs:

  • vaccination causes autism in children as well as other disorders in adults
  • fluoridation of the water supply constitutes deliberate poisoning.

There are others. In the state of Victoria and aided by News Corporation and other rabid rightwing media, attacks became personal when they labelled the premier, Daniel Andrews, as ‘Dictator Dan’ and made other slurs when his government shut down the state to successfully reduce the spread of the Covid virus. A similar lockdown that elicited no negative response had earlier eliminated the virus in Tasmania following the Covid-19 outbreak in the state’s north-west. It worked and Tasmania remained Covid-free until the state reopened its borders following the availability of the Covid vaccine. The Melbourne lockdown succeeded in limiting the spread of the virus, however more lockdowns followed in 2020 and early 2021 after the virus escaped from a quarantine hotel. The announcement of the five day, February 2021 lockdown brought a few hundred pro-disease people onto the streets in protest.

In December 2021, a story in The Conversation revealed analysis that disclosed a high proportion of campaigners against the premier of Victoria were anonymous sockpuppet accounts created by people using fake profiles, however very little activity came from computer bots. Anti-Andrews tweets were amplified by rightwing media commentators to sow social conflict and division.

Evidence free claims

Making allegations without supporting evidence and sidestepping questions about the lack of evidence is a characteristic of conspiracy communications. Ask difficult questions and you get prevarication, avoidance and evasion.

This is why conspiracists have never been able to explain the motivation of Bill Gates in allegedly injecting personal tracking devices into people. Nor have they explained how 5G radio transmission frequencies transmit a virus. The virus is airborne. It cannot be carried by electromagnetic radiation like a radio frequency. Nor could they explain whether 5G transmits or stimulates Covid. Both claims have been made. Some claim that the Covid virus exists while others say it is a hoax. And why would governments resort to lockdowns to stem the spread of the virus and deliberately damage economies when they don’t have to? That was a hard one to answer because it defied the economics of capitalism. It seems as though you are free to select what you want to believe, much like selecting food from a smorgasbord table.

Deniers and conspiracy theory vectors do sometimes have answers to their critics. Many of them, like the alternative explanations about 5G and Covid-19, are contradictory. They usually don’t bother developing credible answers because their purpose is to trigger emotional response and doubt in gullible people rather than expound a rational theory about why their ideas might be right. The more emotive the appeal of the idea and the reaction to it, the more likely it is to be adopted because emotion is usually the first type of reaction people go through on hearing something new. Not everyone moves on to a more objective understanding, especially if the idea neatly fits into their own mental model of how the world works.

They are psychological weapons. How their allegations would work seems to be of little interest to their perpetrators because their use of rational logic is non-existent. Reality matters little to liars who spread conspiracy theories. The facts don’t matter to them. Emotional reaction does. The idea is to sow an idea then move on before details are needed. It is effect, not explanation, that is the crucial thing.

A deliberately misleading post that was tagged as fake news by independent fact checkers. Reposted by an Australian gardening writer and permaculture practitioner.

Disinformation: the handmaiden of destabilisation

Disinformation as a tactic is nothing new. It has been practiced since before the Second World War. It is a tactic that sits within the strategy of destabilising nations or gaining advantage over them. Equally, it is a tactical weapon of various ideological camps.

The Cold War promoted disinformation as a tool of influence and deception when it was used by both East and West — the US, Russia, East Germany and other Eastern Bloc powers, especially intelligence agencies like the CIA, KGB and Stasi (East German intelligence service). Print and radio were the preferred methods of influencing the public.

Then came the internet. Suddenly, anyone could use the techniques of influence, inveigle and disinformation. After the initial burst of digital utopianism when the internet was seen as a liberating force, nation states realised the potential of the new technology and started to weaponise it. America’s intelligence agencies, Russia’s Internet Research Agency and China’s 50 Cent Army all joined the escalating information war. Both the Russian and Chinese troll factories are ostensibly independent of government, a lightly-vieled separation that gives governments plausible deniability of their involvement. The Chinese Communist Party, which in a one-party state is synonymous with the government, the party-state, makes use of Twitter, Facebook and other social media banned in China, clearly revealing direct government involvement.

Russian interference, both influence and disinformation campaigns using facebook ads, fake social media accounts and bots to sow confusion and dissension was deployed to influence the 2016 US election. The leaking of Democratic National Committee emails by the so-named Guccifer 2.0, and distributed by DCLeaks and on Wikileaks, was attributed to Russian intelligence hackers according to the subsequent Mueller investigation. The purpose was to prevent Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton, from winning. It worked. We ended up with the chaotic years of Donald Trump with his sympathies for Russia.

Wikileaks was set up as an online space where anonymous whistleblowers could expose confidential information about what government and other institutions are doing. The posting of Russian electoral disinformation on the site demonstrates how even initiatives set up with noble intentions can be weaponised.

During the 2020 US presidential election and under intense political, media and social pressure, Facebook took many disinformation sources offline. The corporation has done the same with Covid conspiracy accounts and anti-vaxxers, however success has been only partial. Conspiracy fantasists cry censorship.

We are now in the middle of a global information war that is being fought in different theatres ranging through government intelligence services, corporations, the media, formal and informal community organisations and alliances, and citizens. If the disinformation pandemic has achieved anything it it to democratise information warfare. Anyone with a computer and broadband connection can now become a combatant.

Who hides behind disinformation?

The persistent anti-media bias of the conspiracy fantasists is revealed in this call to action to “Freedom fighters and truth warriors”. Creating distrust of social institutions like the media, medicine, science and government is a tactic to fragment social attitudes, create conflict and weaken institutions and societies.

Who is responsible for creating and spreading disinformation and what is their intention? The answer is a range of people and organisations with different agendas. ‘Who’ often explains why they spread disinformation.

It comes down to intention. Motivations include:

  • commercial
  • geopolitical
  • ideological.

Commercial agents of disinformation

Commercial disinformation/misinformation sources are people trying to sell us something. Why don’t they use the usual marketing channels? Often, it’s because they are trying to sell dodgy products or, at least, products accompanied by dubious and contestable claims. They have to concoct a story to make us believe that their product does something it doesn’t do.

An example was the Australian TV chef/anti-vaxxer, Pete Evans. Pete sold a machine which emitted light which he claimed cured or prevented infection by the Covid-19 virus. That ended when the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which approves therapies and medical products, fined him for misleading advertising and stopped his selling the device (and: Pete Evans dumped by Channel Ten, Coles and Woolworths after posting neo-Nazi symbol).

“Any ad that claims a health product prevents or cures COVID-19 is likely to be illegal”, the TGA asserts. With the TGA giving more attention to them during the pandemic, sellers of dodgy goods and services are likely to carefully phrase their claims so they do not appear to be preventatives or cures.

In February 2021, the Great Australia Party, a new entity on the political landscape which, going by its description which states “you are the “Supreme, Absolute, Uncontrollable Authority” in this country”, and that appears to be far-right-libertarian, announced Pete Evans would stand as its candidate in the NSW senate elections.

So-called ‘wellness’ practitioners who are anything but that can be implicated in selling unproven ‘natural’ products that are supposed preventatives or cures. The case of pharmacies selling crystals supposedly capable of preventing or healing Covid-19 and a range of other ailments was exposed on social media in October 2020.

Taking advantage of bad situations to sell something is not new. Fake cures, technologies and publications are a few of the products purveyed during times of crisis.

Geopolitical agents of disinformation

It goes like this. Sometimes working through proxies, amplify the voices of those in Western nations who sow social discord and conflict. Multiply their message by setting up fake social media accounts to spread disinformation and create the impression that dissent is widespread. Create greater discord and keep the issue active by promoting the argument of both sides and by shrinking the middle ground of opinion to drive people to extreme points of view.

The argument itself doesn’t matter. What does is creating social discord and distrust of institutions like science, law, government and the media as well as fellow citizens. Doing that fragments opinion and populations. It polarises arguments, pushing people towards the fringes and amplifying the voices on the fringes. Fragmented populations make for weaker nation states and weaker social democracy. Government programs can be delayed of shut down as was the situation when the council had Telstra temporarily delay installation of 5G in the local government area.

Let’s summarise how disinformation for geopolitical purposes works:

Purpose: Weaken nation states, particularly the Western democracies.

Tactic: Sow distrust in public institutions, corporations, media and government.


  1. Spread disinformation, misinformation and conspiracy theories via authentic as well as fake social media accounts.
  2. Polarise public opinion.
  3. Exacerbate the intensity of argument in societies by shrinking the middle ground of opinion and driving beliefs and attitudes to the polar extremes.
  4. Discredit citizens with opposing views.
  5. Discredit people with political, professional, scientific or other authority.

States like Russia and China create and spread disinformation to gain geopolitical advantage. So does the US and other Western states. The aim of the opponents of Western states is to fragment and polarise opinion in democratic nations to sow distrust and create disputes to make political and economic decisions more fraught and difficult. Doing this weakens democracies. The internet and social media are the vectors for spreading disinformation in Western and allied nations. It is difficult for Western nations to do the same in China, Russia, Iran and North Korea because those regimes control their citizens’ access to information. Western social media platforms and many webistes are shut out.

Ideological agents of disinformation

Countering the ideological agents of disinformation: Reacting to social, political and media pressure, Facebook started tagging false information on its platform. Many conspiracy fantasists moved to other social media platforms.

Disinformation in both the physical world and the online world is propagated through networks. It works like this:

  • disinformationists create messages and post them to their own online sites and to their fellow travellers who they know will spread them
  • acting perhaps through confirmation bias, the cadres in those networks distribute the messages through their own networks; they are the so-called weak links between networks who spread the messages to those far-removed from the disinformation sources
  • monitoring social media, mainstream media may come across the disinformation and republish it if checks on its authenticity are weak.

This is how traffickers of disinformation about vaccination, 5G broadband, Covid-19 prevention and treatment, masks to filter the Covid-19 virus, vaccination, Bill Gates and other conspiracy theories distribute disinformation to weaken the argument of their opponents and build their own following. They are the ideological warriors of disinformation.

It’s about ‘truth’ and separation

Disinformation of an ideological nature attempts to convince us of the truth of the ideology and separate us from whatever ideology we presently subscribe to by creating doubts about it and offering alternative explanations to fill our doubt-gaps.

During the Cold War America, Russia and East Germany used disinformation — ‘active measures’ — presented in a variety of ways to persuade people of the superiority of their ideology, whether capitalism or communism. Russia’s public photographic displays of violence against black Americans during the civil rights struggle of the 1960s was internally-directed propaganda designed to make America look bad and convince people of the superiority of the Soviet system. It was an example of publicising information that was true but selective, so as to discredit the US.

Supported by the KGB, the Stasi, as well as the West German intelligence service and sometimes the CIA, intelligence agencies published magazines that during the Cold War were distributed on their opponent’s side of the Berlin Wall. The stories seemed innocuous, however small details were changed to create a preferred reading that served the propaganda purposes of the different sides. Leaking stolen documents was another Cold War tactic. Sometimes, documents were distributed unchanged because in their authentic form they could do the preferred damage. Other times, small changes to the text would be made to mislead readers.

Disinformation driven by ideological motives overlaps with the geopolitical when wielded by nation states. When the first version of this article was published we could see this with China as it attempted to reframe its annexation of islets and reefs in the South China Sea, some of which are also claimed by neighbouring states. Now, we see it during the Russian war in Ukraine where Russian geopolitical goals are supported by disinformation and reinterpretation of events to make them appear more favourable to Russia.

We also see Russia’s military and political goals being reinforced in Europe and in the US through its supporters. The aim of supporting internal dissent is to weaken the resolve of the public in Western nations to continue military assistance to Ukraine. The financial cost of continued support and allegations that the money could be used to deal with internal problems is positioned as the focus of the campaign.

The example of fluoridation

International health agencies and dental associations have endorsed fluoridation of the water supply as a safe and effective means of improving dental health. Opponents see it as a health risk and an attack on their individual freedom to choose. Fluoridation became a clash of ideas and, thus, ideological. The issue spans decades and continues at a low intensity although it is was later overshadowed by the plethora of issues around 5G, vaccination and Covid virus measures.

So-called ‘natural health’ interests came out in support of the anti-fluoridation movement. Opponents included users of the products of the lucrative industry pedalling dietary, vitamin and other supplements and organic food, as well as natural health practitioners, illustrating the overlap between ideological and commercial interests. Not all providers and users of natural health products and services oppose fluoridation. The campaigns continued over many years in Australia and the US. Some people active in the anti-fluoridation campaign appear to be active in other pseudo-health-related issues such as anti-5G broadband. They include “alternative medical practitioners and health food enthusiasts”, according to Wikipedia.

Noting that a small minority of dental and medical people oppose fluoridation, Wikipedia identifyied others who were against it: “During the 1950s and 1960s, conspiracy theorists claimed that fluoridation was a communist plot to undermine American public health… there were a few religious groups (mostly Christian Scientists in the US)… and occasionally consumer groups and environmentalists… libertarians, the John Birch Society and groups like the Green parties in the UK and New Zealand.”

It is worth noting the far-right credentials of some of these opponents because they reappear in contemporary campaigns against vaccination and government Covid-19 measures.

Religions implicated in anti-vaccination campaign

Religious opposition to a Covid vaccine forms a subset of the broader ideological opposition and disinformation campaign. Its main vector are the fringe evangelical churches and cults, however mainstream Christian churches are also implicated:

  • in 2020 the Anglican archbishop of Sydney came out opposing the Oxford vaccine for the Covid virus, then under development, because it supposedly contains genetic material from an aborted 1973 fetus; he was not necessarily against other vaccine formulations
  • a Reuters report published in The Guardian in February 2021 revealed that “Medical teams working to immunise Brazil’s remote indigenous villages against the coronavirus have encountered fierce resistance in some communities where evangelical missionaries are stoking fears of the vaccine, say tribal leaders and advocates. On the São Francisco reservation in the state of Amazonas, Jamamadi villagers sent health workers packing with bows and arrows when they visited by helicopter this month, said Claudemir da Silva, an Apurinã leader representing indigenous communities on the Purus river, a tributary of the Amazon. ‘It’s not happening in all villages, just in those that have missionaries or evangelical chapels where pastors are convincing the people not to receive the vaccine, that they will turn into an alligator and other crazy ideas,’” he said by phone.
  • Shadim Hussain reported on Australia’s ABC network that “I have already seen suspicion or outright opposition within the Muslim community in the UK to a vaccine. Some of this is religious in tone, some is more broadly cultural rather than religious, and some simply reflects concern about the safety of a fast-track vaccine”.
  • The Huffington Post reports that “the religious group most commonly associated with anti-vaccination sentiment is the Church of Christ, Scientist. Christian Scientists routinely turn down vaccinations, which has been linked to a number of measles outbreaks among members of the faith.”

The curious case of pastel QAnon

Wired’s 28 January 2021 story headline summed it up: The yoga world is riddled with anti-vaxxers and QAnon believers. The story is about the American, part-time yoga teacher and member of a wellness community, Cecile Guerin, and her dilemma in finding anti-vaxx and other conspiracy fantasies among her yoga teacher colleagues and in the wellness movement, and her difficulty in reconciling them with her role monitoring conspiracy fantasies as a researcher at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue.

“Some yoga influencers and new age spirituality leaders saw the pandemic as an opportunity, and began providing a platform to conspiracy theories… It’s hard to tell just how much conspiracy theories have infiltrated the wellness and yoga space. Researchers have tried to document the recent revival of ‘conspirituality’ — the intersection of yoga, spirituality and holistic health with conspiracy theories… The trend stretches beyond influencers. Conspiracy content shared by yoga and wellness enthusiasts, or what researcher Marc-André Argentino calls ‘Pastel QAnon’, also appears in various forms in spaces that are difficult for researchers to access, including private Facebook groups, or in the form of short-lived content such as Instagram stories,” she wrote.

“It’s not a coincidence that conspiracy theories have taken root in the yoga and wellness communities. The pandemic has hit the industry hard. In the US, a survey showed that 2020 saw a 23 per cent increase in yoga studio closures, depriving thousands of teachers of income, and encouraging many to capitalise on content which generates traffic and cash… The historical links between yoga and New Age pursuits and extremist politics are well-documented, including Nazi Germany’s interest in astrology and alternative medicine and the way yoga has sometimes served as inspiration to fascist ideology, including in Britain. ”

Reports of yoga teachers spreading disinformation about the virus appeared during the depths of the pandemic. Perhaps the involvement of the wellness movement in Covid conspiracy fantasies and the anti-vaxx movement should not come as such a surprise… for some elements within it, anyhow. They are the those selling self-proclaimed health foods and pharmaceuticals.

Yoga as well as meditation in Australia was largely a practice of groups of enthusiasts before the New Age movement of the 1980s boosted their popularity, especially as spiritual practices. The New Age movement was the ideological/spiritual garden out of which the wellness movement grew. Fed by its distrust of conventional medicine, the embrace of complementary or alternative medicine and New Age spiritual ideas that were all-too-often accepted without seeking evidence for their claims the New Age and wellness movements provided fertile ground for the consequent growth of conspiracy fantasies.

The difficulty for the many yoga, wellness and complementary medicine practitioners who are not conspiracy fantasist is that fantasists among them could have made people suspicious of the practices and affect their businesses that were already suffering through the lockdowns and other impacts of the pandemic.

Critical thinking the real arbiter of truth

Whether something is accepted as information or disinformation often depends on an individual’s point of view, however logic and scientific evidence are the real arbiter because they are open to questioning and change.

For opponents of Covid-19 lockdowns, masks and social distancing, and those who claim Covid-19 is a hoax despite 2.3 million deaths from the disease by early February 2021, 107.8 million confirmed cases (updated by World Health Organisation on December 16 2022 to 6,642,832 cumulative deaths and 647,972,911 confirmed cases) and others suffering long-term illness from the disease, the internet is the main means of propagating their disinformation and recruiting support.

How to spread disinformation

Fake information, commonly called lies, the distorted information we know as misinformation, plus rumour, unsubstantiated allegation, innuendo and ad hominem attack are common techniques used to spread false information for commercial and ideological purposes.

Tactics include:

  1. Make up fake information or misrepresent existing information

Create false information about a person, institution, idea or government, distribute it directly and through secondary sources and amplify it through fake and authentic social media accounts and bots.

An April 2020 article in The New York Times reported how anti-vaxxers, members of QAnon and other rightwing forces allege a 2015 Ted talk given by Bill Gates in which he warned of a pandemic and discussed the ebola outbreak in Africa proved he had foreknowledge of the Covid-19 pandemic and purposely caused it. The Gates speech had no connection with the Covid-19 outbreak, which came years later. Epidemiologists had been warning of the possibility of a pandemic many years before Covid-19 made its appearance.

2. Mix false with accurate details to make the claim partially reflect reality so as to beguile readers into assuming the entire claim is true.

The detail: The drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine were thought to have promise in treating Covid-19. Hydroxychloroquine was trialed as a treatment. US President Donald Trump became an agent of disinformation when he deliberately gave the drug greater credibility by describing it as a ‘game changer’ in treating Covid-19 infection. In early 2021 Australian Coalition MP Craig Kelly lobbied the federal health minister and medical regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, to have scientists on the Covid-19 taskforce review their recommendations against the use of the drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat coronavirus.

False detail: The claim of medical consensus that the drug is effective in treating Covid-19.

Accurate detail: Hydroxychloroquine showed limited to no veracity in treating the virus and potentially caused collateral health damage. People were reported to have received medical treatment after overdosing on the drug.

The accurate detail that the drug was originally thought of value in treating the virus was blended with the false detail that it is an effective treatment. The US Food and Drug Administration withdrew hydroxychloroquine from emergency use.

The idea that garlic prevents Covid-19 circulated through social media early in 2020. What is true is that garlic is a common treatment for some conditions, although research results are preliminary or contested. What is also true is that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that garlic can prevent or cure Covid-19.

What we have here is the extrapolation of garlic’s claimed benefits in treating some conditions to the claim that it is a treatment for Covid-19. This conflates the claims, mixing what may be true with what is not to give the appearance of credibility.

Mixing true with untrue information and openly distributing or leaking it to the media or other entities that further distribute and amplify it was a common Cold War disinformation tactic used by US, East German and Soviet intelligence agencies. The purpose was to weaken confidence in the original source and sow distrust among the public for geopolitical and ideological advantage.

The same thing is happening with the pandemic. Both Russia and China have been accused of fanning the flames of dissent in Western nations, sometimes by setting up fake social media accounts to spead disinformation across social media. The originators know that confirmation bias will spread it through social media and into mainstream media. With doubt, confusion and disagreement raging, institutions are weakened, their energy is consumed in dealing with their loss of credibility brought by the disinformation campaign. When social conflict moves from online into demonstrations on the street, citizens become confused, opinion fractured, societies conflicted and democratic states weakened.

This is how agents of disinformation and those spreading their messages without intention to support them further the ideological agenda of other states and non-state organisations like QAnon.

3. Leak stolen documents

Stolen and leaked documents are the bread and butter of Wikileaks. Even without altering their content, stolen but authentic documents strategically leaked at the right time can contradict a government or corporation and damage its agenda. Information about the source of the leaked documents and who leaked them may be false. Sometimes, small details may be altered for tactical effect. We see something similar when out of date information from a government or organisation is posted online although they may have moved on from it.

Governments engage in this tactic to gain geopolitical advantage. So do their opponents, such as Edward Snowden stealing and leaking documents from the National Security Agency about the agency’s global surveillance program, damaging its work.

Set up to reveal the hidden doings of governments, it wasn’t long before intelligence agencies realised the potential of Wikileaks to leak damaging documents. The most notorious instance in recent times was the leaking of Democratic National Convention and Hillary Clinton emails and documents to destroy the public credibility of the Democrats during the 2016 US election. Forensic analysis by cybersecurity experts pointed to a Russian source behind the hacks and leaks, most likely Russia’s St Petersburg-based troll factory, the Internet Research Agency.

4. Polarise public opinion by pushing it towards the fringes

Pushing viewpoints towards the fringes polarises controversies and online conversations and reinforces fringe beliefs. The purpose is to shrink the middle ground where workable compromise may be made. This can be done by diminishing and overpowering centrist points of view by discrediting them and amplifying fringe voices.

Four tactics used by external agencies, sometimes those of nation states or their proxies, are:

  • bot farming — a bot, or robot, is a software application that automates online tasks, coordinates automated attacks on networks such as a DDOS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attacks by a network of bots, and distributes posts to multiple online sites
  • setting up fake social media accounts to distribute disinformation
  • setting up opposing social media accounts and feeding them content to stimulate controversy and exacerbate and polarise public disagreement over some issue
  • using fake social media accounts to inflame disagreement and give the impression that a point of view has a large following.

The process is described in the Union of Concerned Scientists’ (UCS) Disinformation Playbook. Although the Playbook was devised to address disinformation about issues before Covid-19 and 5G broadband, it is relevant in describing the disinformation-agent approach to them and to science.

The Playbook describes the anti-science process with examples:

The fake: Conduct counterfeit science and pass it off as legitimate research.

Example: The disbarred doctor, Andrew Wakefield’s discredited claim that vaccination causes autism.

The Blitz: Harass scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient to industry.

While the UCS Playbook addresses industry disinformation in this instance, it can be extrapolated to addressing contemporary issues as well.

Example: Attacks by the Covid-denial movement on US immunologist Anthony Fauci, who was a member of the Trump administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force that addressed the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States and who is one of the world’s leading experts on infectious disease.

The Diversion: Manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists.

Example: Diversion of proposals to reduce global heating by fossil fuels to the supposed solution of ‘clean coal’ technology.

The Screen: Buy credibility through alliances with academia or professional societies.

Example: The Chinese government’s establishing Confucius Institutes in Australian universities to further its ‘soft power’ strategy to achieve its geopolitical and ideological goals.

The Fix: Manipulate government officials or processes to inappropriately influence policy.

Example: Donald Trump offered multiple examples such as alleged industry influence on his policy to allow industrial exploitation of public lands.

Open old wounds and create new fissures

An example of pushing public opinion to the fringe is the conspiracy theory alleging 5G broadband transmits or stimulates the Covid-19 virus. Both claims have been made, demonstrating how conspiracy theorists change what they say in trying to sound plausible.

The argument quickly polarised and believers took to the streets during the Covid pandemic in Mullumbimby — a northern NSW town now regarded as the epicentre of conspiracy theories around 5G and vaccination — Melbourne, London and Berlin. 5G repeater antenna were burned in some cities despite the risks of disrupting important communication. Rational voices countered these claims, however they remain contested and leave the many people in the middle confused and open to persuasion.

Opening new fissures around something that is an issue is a well-used tactic in spreading disinformation. Directing existing anti-vaxx sentiment towards the new target of the Covid-19 vaccines is an example. Peer pressure plays a part in this, especially where a like-minded milieu sharing cultural affinities live in lose proximity, such as around the town of Mullumbimby that we have been using as an example. It is sometimes easier to go along with freinds’ ideas than to challenge them and risk the friendship or being ostracised from a circle of friends who share common beliefs. We could extrapolate the Mullumbimby example to other regional towns and cities where populations share similar social, economic or cultural affinities.

Sometimes, agents of disinformation invent something to exploit as a new fissure. Not so many years ago, wearing a mask to prevent the spread of disease would not have been questioned. Chinese students in Australian cities were to be seen wearing masks to filter polluted urban air. Come 2020 and Covid-19, a simple precaution became politicised and polarised to such an extent it created a public health risk. Masks were portrayed as either a symbol of government control or a symbol of social solidarity.

Polarising public opinion into sometimes-hostile opposing camps is a practice of Russian and Chinese cyberwarriors. China’s troll farms are implicated, as the Financial Times describes:

“While Russia has traditionally relied on bots to push its agenda online, China’s Communist Party has raised a volunteer troll army of real people, most of them young men, to go online and attack its enemies. For years, China’s nationalist trolls were known as 50-cents or ‘wumao’ for the Rmb0.50 they were said to earn for each patriotic post.

“Some co-ordinate ‘mass bombings’ of public figures’ social media platforms, flooding targets with intimidating posts and shutting down online debate… The youth league urges these web warriors to steer online discourse in a patriotic direction.” (and here).

The ironic contradiction of the anti-science movement

Most reposters of disinformation do so unaware that they are implicated in the work of ideologues, nation states and nefarious organisations. Most are unaware that they participate in what has been described as the ‘anti-science’ movement or ‘science denialism’.

It’s ironic that some of them support measures to adapt to and ameliorate and climate change yet they find a common home with conspiracy theorists where they rub shoulders with the anti-vaxx, anti-5G and science-denial movements. How do they accept the science of climate change yet deny the science of epidemiology? Both use the same scientific method in their research.

The scientific method. Source: Wikipedia. Creative Commons licence.

Climate change relies on science to monitor and address the issue, so it could reasonably be expected that those who want to ameliorate a changing climate would afford credibility to the scientific process in other areas too. Not so. They cherrypick the science they believe in, choosing that which suits their beliefs and ignore or oppose it when it does not.

If anything, this double standard demonstrates a clear failure to understand science and the scientific process. Doing this is often a deliberate choice and doesn’t seem to produce any cognitive dissonance among its perpetrators. They live happily in a state of ironic contradiction.

Synchronous crises: the challenge of disinformation

The persistence of conspiracy fantasies and the willingness of people to multiply their reach diminishes a society’s capacity to deal with the multiple synchronous challenges it faces.

Australia is currently dealing with a number of synchronous challenges:

  • a Covid-19 pandemic with medical staff having become infected, regional lockdowns and their impact on employment and livelihoods, local and household economies, the health impacts on the economy and the cost of long Covid, and a large-scale disinformation campaign hampering solutions
  • the financial crisis and supply chain disruptions brought by the pandemic
  • the impacts of climate change with widespread and long-term drought and flood combined with recovery from 2019–2020’s extensive bushfires
  • cyberattacks by foreign hacker states and their agents
  • the deteriorating security situation in the East and South China Sea, with China seizing control of islands also claimed by other countries in the region while it conducts economic warfare against imports of Australia’s primary products, harasses Australian journalists, imprisons dual citizens, unduly influences Chinese people living in Australia and tries to influence Australian institutions.

At the end of 2022 we add the Russian war in Ukraine to this list of synchronous challenges as well as the linked fuel cost increases and cost-of-living crisis in Western nations.

These might be separate challenges, however dealing with them all at once taxes the government and the people. Public dissatisfaction and unease becomes a fertile field for disinformation agents, as we see with Russian attempts to sow discord in the European winter following its shut-off of domestic heating and industrial gas and the weaponisation of winter.

Dealing with a single crisis is easier than dealing with multiple, synchronous challenges. Doing so effectively is made all the more difficult by the pandemic of disinformation.

Stopping the plague

How do we stop the plague of disinformation distorting the infosphere and our lives? We probably can’t stop it because some people want to believe. We can counter it, however.

Alarmed at the growing disinformation campaigns, the Union of Concerned Scientists identified a range of means by which disinformation is spread and issued guidelines to help navigate the maze.

How to spot disinformation:

  • does it seem implausible?
  • does it confirm your beliefs or play to your emotions?
  • is it difficult to separate facts from opinions?
  • does it ignore experts (from government, science or reputable public health organisations)?
  • is the original source hard to pin down?
  • does the source have a financial, political or other stake in the claim?

News articles, video and social media posts:

  • does it identify original sources of factual content?
  • does it link to independent experts with relevant knowledge and/or to peer-reviewed science?
  • does it make it easy to identify funding sources, ideological or policy positions?
  • is it produced by an individual or organisation that has an established position on the topic?
  • does it present diverse points of view fairly while acknowledging the importance of expertise?
  • does it treat individuals who have diverse perspectives with respect?
  • does it distinguish facts from opinions?
  • does it back up its statements with evidence?
  • are other news sources presenting the information similarly?
  • is the content free from racial, gendered or otherwise problematic stereotypes?
  • is the information consistent with what scientists and other experts say on the topic?

Report or study:

  • are the authors experts on the subject?
  • is the study peer-reviewed?
  • have the authors disclosed their conflicts of interest and funding sources? if yes, does the sponsor have a vested interest in the outcome of the study?
  • does the publisher have a preexisting policy or ideological position on the topic?
  • is the tone objective?
  • does it describe potential positives and negatives in clear terms? does it cite and critique conflicting findings?
  • if other scientists have commented about the study, are they raising major concerns with how the study was conducted?

Encountering disinformation: what to do

When we encounter disinformation we can do what we can to stop its spread. A first step is the inoculation method: instead of repeating the disinformation, warn our friends, family and coworkers about the types of Covid-19 disinformation and tactics. Research shows that when we are alerted that disinformation may be encountered we think more critically about it, thereby inoculating us from further deception.

Note that it’s critical that we don’t reshare the disinformation, even if it’s in an effort to point out that it is wrong. Doing that spreads it.

The Richard Dawkins Foundation offers a set of questions we can apply when assessing claims:

  • how reliable is the source of the claim?
  • does the source make similar claims?
  • have the claims been verified by somebody else?
  • does this fit with the way the world works?
  • has anyone tried to disprove the claim?
  • where does the preponderance of evidence point?
  • is the claimant playing by the rules of science?
  • is the claimant providing positive evidence?
  • does the new theory account for as many phenomena as the old theory?
  • are personal beliefs driving the claim?

Talking with disbelievers

‘I want to believe’. So says the statement above the UFO on the poster in FBI special agents Fox Mulder’s office in the TV series, The X-Files. It is also applicable to disinformationists who want to believe because they have a financial, ideological or psychological reason to believe in anti-science, covid-denial or other conspiracies.

Many on social media now refuse to engage with promoters of dis-and-misinformation because of their refusal to discuss their beliefs in a logical and rational manner. You cannot change the minds of people who really want to believe, they say.

Where believers are open to discussion, however, rather than attack the person for being incredulous it is more productive to destabilise their belief by asking questions such as:

  • where does your information come from?
  • why do you believe this?
  • where do the people you follow get their information?
  • how do you know it is true?

The focus is on the information, not the person, so that they do not feel they are being personally attacked.

The skeptical activist

In a world awash with disinformation, misinformation, deception and downright lies, a growing number of rational people are taking action to debunk and counter dubious claims. They are the skeptical activists.

Skeptical activists believe that investigation using rational, critical thinking, existing knowledge and the methods verified by science leads to the most reliable knowledge. Also known as skeptical enquiry of scientific skepticism, skeptical activism seeks evidence for claims rather than relying on assumption and what others say. Their approach works best as open enquiry, not just the debunking of fake claims. Open enquiry starts without a fixed notion about whether something is true or not.

Like all skeptics, the activists base what they believe on what the evidence suggests. They remain open to changing their mind when presented with factual and reproducible evidence to the contrary. Unproven but reasonable-sounding information may be taken as provisionally true until evidence confirms or denies it.

Perhaps, as we swim in the ocean of claim and counterclaim, disinformation and deception, skeptical activism is our vaccine for sanity and clarity, our inoculation against a new, dark age of ignorance.

Source: The Commons, Dealing with Far-Right Interventions in Left-Wing and Progressive Movement



Russ Grayson

I'm an independent online and photojournalist living on the Tasmanian coast .