Does waking up early result in higher productivity?

Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2015

‘Waking up Early makes you more productive’. I know, you’ve probably heard this before. So have I. But the kind of guy I am, skeptical about things, I took it upon myself to test this out. I started by waking up at 6 AM every morning and do my usual exercise (running for 1 km and then doing 10 push-ups). I did this for about a month to be completely sure.

And it worked! It worked because:

  1. The sleep I took matched with the biological clock (I slept early in the night and woke up early in the morning, perfect timing for sunlight energy).
  2. I have plenty more time to work on things I love
  3. I am refreshed and ready to take on the day, making me more creative

Most people think that one would be more creative at late night because there is no distraction. It’s true that there’s less distraction at night, but at late night we get tired and sleepy easily, which shuts the creative part of our Brain down.

Don’t take my word for it. Try it out and see if it works for you. Waking up early isn’t everyone’s cup of tee. It depends on person to person. But the one thing that I really found useful is that, waking up early gives me more creative time to work.

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Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life

My thoughts on Politics, Economics and sometimes Movies. Hopefully you'll find witty insights from this blog