Life cannot be Planned

Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2015

This may come as a bit of a bad news for all you planners out there, but life really cannot be planned.

Life is not an algebra problem, X doesn’t lead to Y and Y doesn’t lead to Z.

You probably have been told by your parents, friends and family that if you want to go do the job you love, you first have to do the job that “pays”. Then one day, you’ll have enough money, time and experience to go do the job you love.


There’s two types of planning

One is the Instrumental Planning, where you go on to do the things you don’t like in order to “keep your options open” for something that you love that will come along the way in the future. This plan is what most of the world’s population adopts, and that’s why most people get stuck in a dead-end jobs. People who are stuck in a dead-end jobs believe truly that one day they will get an opportunity to do the things they love.

The second one is called Fundamental Planning, where you work at something you love and that’s it, period! It’s not that complicated, JUST DO WHAT YOU LOVE!

Life is unpredictable, people are unpredictable and the world keeps throwing unexpected situations at us. Among this chaos we live, so planning the future is bullsh*t! Nobody knows what’s gonna happen tomorrow, a year from now or ten years from now. 0 people predicted that in 2008 the economy was going to collapse and millions of people were gonna lose their jobs, so life truly cannot be planned out!

Don’t fight the chaos, embrace it! Use it to your advantage

Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder



Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life

My thoughts on Politics, Economics and sometimes Movies. Hopefully you'll find witty insights from this blog