Start now. Start small

Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2015

Beginning is a very obvious step that goes a very long way in business and life, yet people don’t do it. What people do is think about an idea, procrastinate about an idea, and talk about their ideas with others but they will never EXECUTE on their idea!!! Why? Because if they do, they might fail. Our fear of failing cripple us, it stops us from trying anthing new. And there’s a way to turn off that Scared button. It’s by starting small. When you don’t risk a lot, you’re mind and body does’nt get chocked up with fear.

You know when you say you want to exercise and then you don’t do it. You don’t do it because you’re head you think that you have to do a hundred push-ups or run 5 times a week at 6 AM. You see my point, people exaggerate their exception. It happens with everything. When it comes to business, you don’t need to start with a great idea and a perfect team. You just need to START, you can just start with an incomplete idea and move on from there. Just like if you really want to exercise, you don't need to go all crazy insane with a 100 push-ups a day, you just need to start. Maybe by doing 2 push-ups a day. Or maybe by doing a 5 min jogging at 6 PM 3 times a week. The point is Start, you can Start Small. Something is better than nothing.

Always, always execute. Its the first step to achieving virtually anything.



Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life

My thoughts on Politics, Economics and sometimes Movies. Hopefully you'll find witty insights from this blog