The Battle before Success

Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2015
the battle

The calling. That’s the first thing that happens to us, its the beggining of our Entrepreneurial Journey. Its where it all starts. But after you know what you want to do and you start doing it, why does the universe play tricks on us, why do we fail? And it’s not just one time, it’s one after another.

We fail, to become better. We are being prepared to face The Battle. When we fail and we learn from our mistake, we grow stronger and smarter. And so the more we fail, the stronger we get. Life is throwing small drawbacks at us, to help us grow strong enough to fight The Battle. Because The Battle is tough. That’s why an Entrepreneurial Journey is not easy nor is it quick. It takes Time, Attention and Money. Being an Entrepreneur is not for everyone. The mental strength it takes is enormous. It requires you to Hustle all the time. There’s no time-out.

And then comes The Battle. The Battle is not one specific event that you will face before succeeding, it’s the whole journey on reflection. If you’re able to pass all the challenges that is thrown at you and grow stronger, eventually you will find yourself being a successful person. But again, I can’t stress this enough, it’s not a process that happens in a month or two. It takes time.



Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life

My thoughts on Politics, Economics and sometimes Movies. Hopefully you'll find witty insights from this blog