The Power of Ego

Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life
Published in
1 min readMar 2, 2015


Do you know what Hydrochloric Acid does to your skin when it touches? It slowly eats away your skin, looks somewhat like your skin and bones are being melted. That’s Ego. Ego is there with everyone, and it’s not entirely a bad thing but its something to keep track of. Think of Ego as energy, a sufficient amount of energy is good, too much and things starts to go wrong. Ego can push you to do great things in life but it could also motivate you to hate yourself because you’re never up to the par for anything or make you feel like you’re the King and everyone else your servant. Ego can eat you away, slowly but forcefully, melting your skin and bone until it vanishes. So know your Ego and keep it in limit. Always keep 10 minutes of your day out, to self-reflect and think about the actions that you've made day. ‘Sometime 3 deep breath can change everything’.



Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life

My thoughts on Politics, Economics and sometimes Movies. Hopefully you'll find witty insights from this blog